
Our role at the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) is to harness everyone’s creative energy and build a fully accessible, culturally diverse and financially sustainable arts community that serves everyone in the Portland metropolitan region.

This Year in Review communication is our opportunity to reflect on some of the success that we achieved together in pursuit of this goal. We hope you will be as proud as we are of what has been accomplished over the past twelve months — it was a year of celebration for RACC.


  • 20 years ago we transitioned from the Metropolitan Arts Commission, a joint bureau of the City of Portland and Multnomah County, to a non-profit tri-county council. The reasons ranged from opportunities available to non-profit organizations and not easily to government, to wanting our entire region to be a hub of arts and culture.
  • Portlandia turned 30. Nine people masquerading as our copper icon marched in the Starlight Parade with BodyVox. In October several hundred fans sang the birthday song to Portlandia led by city officials, Storm Large and 80 students from Chapman School. The Visual Chronicle of Portland — works on paper that interpret people, activities and places that make Portland distinctive — also marked its 30th year.
  • And finally, to mark 35 years of the Percent for Art program, images selected from the public art collections were hung throughout City Hall and a festive, music-filled public reception was held to thank the hundreds of artists who have created public artworks and the panel members who chose them.

Now, we turn our focus to the 10th anniversary of Work for Art, our workplace giving program that raises around $750,000 annually for arts organizations from individuals, corporations, and the public/private matching fund. RACC has set an ambitious goal to raise $1 million for 2015-2016. We are working hard to meet that goal and to maintain a strong pace going forward.

We remain firmly committed to our equity and inclusion work so that every person in our region has access to arts and culture. Over the past year we have strengthened many existing relationships and built new ones, learned from invaluable trainings, created a new grants program specifically for organizations serving underserved populations, held grants and public art orientations across diverse communities, and provided resources to the arts organizations we fund to support their own equity work.

Highly diverse students and teachers throughout the region continue to absorb the integrated arts learning the Right Brain Initiative provides. We were in 59 schools last year and as successes around student improvement and teacher training mount up, momentum is building for future growth.

We remain constantly grateful to the citizens of Portland who approved the Arts Education and Access Fund. The “arts tax” has enabled Portland school districts to hire over 80 new certified music and art teachers thus serving all elementary students. Hopefully collections will improve going forward, which will enable RACC to support arts organizations more robustly and award many more access grants, as the ballot measure intended.

It has been a busy, challenging and rewarding year and we thank everyone who has helped us to keep thriving.

Eloise Damrosch Executive Director

Jan RobertsonChair, RACC Board of Directors

About Racc

Our vision:

An environment where arts and culture flourish and prosper.

Our mission:

To enrich our communities through arts and culture.

Our values:

  • We value freedom of artistic and cultural expression as a
    fundamental human right.
  • We value a diversity of artistic and cultural experiences.
  • We value a community in which everyone can participate in arts and culture.
  • We value a community that celebrates and supports its artists, and its arts and cultural organizations.
  • We value arts and culture as key elements in creating desirable places to live, work and visit.


RACC’s Equity Statement was adopted by the RACC Board of Directors in February:

We believe that the arts have the power to change hearts and minds, and to inspire social change. Prejudice and privilege have created barriers that RACC must dismantle, systematically and strategically, until everyone in our community has equitable access to arts and culture.

We acknowledge that there is no one perfect way to achieve equity, but we are willing to take risks because there is much work to do. We are thoughtfully researching and implementing new methods of thinking within our organizational culture, starting with an in-depth assessment of our services, policies and procedures. We are seeking out and listening to voices that have not been heard, and fully engaging under-represented populations in dialogue that will help us improve.

We are committed to the full scope of this work and will hold ourselves accountable along the way—anything less would prove a disservice to ourselves and the communities we serve. RACC strives to be an organization that values and celebrates everyone’s life experiences, their voices and their histories. By consistently bringing new perspectives to our decision-making table, forming new relationships and alliances, and finding new ways to support creativity, RACC will be a strong, equitable and relevant organization. Throughout this process, we commit to humility, optimism and respect.


Our work would not be possible without the dedication of RACC’s governing board and staff.

RACC Board and Resource Council

  • Jan Robertson, Chair
  • Phillip Hillaire, Vice Chair
  • Eileen L. Day, Treasurer
  • Eric R. Hormel, Secretary
  • Nik Blosser
  • Verlea G. Briggs
  • Katy A. Brooks
  • Robert Bucker
  • Raymond C. Cheung, CPA
  • Lew Frederick
  • Debbie Glaze
  • Mike Golub
  • Osvaldo “Ozzie” Gonzalez
  • Angela Hult
  • Dana Ingram
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Joe Krumm
  • David R. Lofland Jr.
  • Linda McGeady
  • Brenda L. Meltebeke
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Steve Rosenbaum
  • Shyla M. Spicer
  • Alan Alexander III
  • Pam Baker
  • Jesse Beason
  • Ernie Bloch II
  • Gwyneth Gamble Booth
  • Claudia Burnett
  • Jennifer Cies
  • Jay Clemens
  • George Forbes
  • Eric Friedenwald-Fishman
  • ​Kira Higgs
  • Karen Karbo
  • Mike Lindberg
  • Gary Maffei
  • Mary Maletis
  • Julie Mancini
  • Josie Mendoza
  • Cate Millar
  • Randy J. Miller
  • Max Miller, Jr
  • Carole Morse
  • Bonita Oswald
  • Bob Packard
  • Dorothy Piacentini
  • Bettsy Preble
  • Mary Ruble
  • Joan Sappington
  • ​Lina Garcia Seabold
  • Carol R. Smith, Ed. D.
  • Craig Thompson
  • Julie Vigeland
  • Clark Worth

RACC Staff

  • In 2015 we said farewell to seven extraordinary board members – Jesse Beason, Jennifer Cies, Jay Clemens, Daryl Dixon, Kira Higgs, Max Miller and Lina Garcia Seabold. They will be missed, though most of them will stay engaged in RACC’s work going forward.
  • Six new community volunteers joined the RACC board this past year; welcome Katy Brooks, Raymond Cheung, Osvaldo “Ozzie” Gonzalez, Brenda L. Meltebeke, Steve Rosenbaum and Shyla M. Spicer!
  • Over the past year there have been several changes to the staff positions at RACC. In 2015 we welcomed Helen Carlton, finance clerk; Pricilla Cheung, executive assistant; Rainen Knecht, public art maintenance technician; Jack MacNichol, grants associate; Salvador Mayoral, public art program assistant; Sinead Kimbrell, The Right Brain Initiative program manager; Manny Orozco, The Right Brain Initiative administrative assistant; Matt Carron, Work for Art workplace giving coordinator; and Sara Farrokhzadian, Work for Art donor data clerk.
  • In June, Jeff Hawthorne received the Michael Newton Award from Americans for the Arts, which recognizes outstanding leadership in private sector fundraising initiatives. Jeff is RACC’s director of community engagement.
  • In November, Rebecca Burrell received a Skidmore Prize, an award delivered annually by Willamette Week to four outstanding non-profit leaders under the age of 36. Rebecca is the outreach specialist for The Right Brain Initiative.


FY15 audited financial statements

RACC’s finances remain solid thanks to continued support from our public and private partners. Audited financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2015, show an increase in net assets thanks to the acquisition of several new multi-year foundation and corporate grants supporting The Right Brain Initiative, plus solid finances for all other RACC programs. The organization’s management costs remain low at 12%.

The City of Portland remains RACC’s most significant funding source, including $3.6 million from the city’s general fund in FY15, $808,087 in Percent-for-Art funds, $200,000 from the city’s business license fee designated to the Work for Art Matching Challenge Fund, $1,040,00 in special appropriations (one-time funding), and $1,337,713 from the second year of the city’s voter-approved Arts Education and Access Fund.

Every public dollar invested in RACC in FY15 became $1.22 through our leveraging model, including contributed income from businesses, foundations and individuals; and earned income through contracts and investments.

Public support $8,002,367 82.3%
Private sector contributions $1,115,112 11.5%
Earned income $600,137 6.2%
Total Revenue $9,717,617 100.0%

* Includes $190,000 pass-through funds to the Oregon Symphony for The Concert in Waterfront Park
** Includes $20,000 pass-through funds to Clackamas County Arts Action Alliance
*** Includes $120,906 pass-through funds for the County Cultural Coalitions

Advocacy $379,879 4.0%
Grants* $4,915,697 51.8%
Public Art $1,379,314 14.5%
Community Services** $757,805 8.0%
Arts Education $940,107 9.9%
Fundraising $82,467 0.9%
Management & General $1,031,069 10.9%
Total expenses $9,486,339 100.0%
Increase in Net Assets $249,282
Net assets at beginning of year $2,664,375
Net assets at end of year $2,913,657

* Includes $189,144 WFA Donor Designated funds to Arts Organizations
** Includes $330,906 pass-through funds to the Multnomah County Cultural Coalition, Cultural Coalition of Washington County, and Clackamas County Arts Action Alliance

Accomplishments: Public Art

In Accomplishments

Public Art Search More Information

While traveling along transit lines and neighborhood streets to our region’s parks, libraries and health centers, you’ll discover murals, mosaics, sculptures, lighting and even the occasional temporary art installation or performance. Over the years, these works represent the visions of hundreds of artists and the thoughtful selections of hundreds of panelists. To celebrate the Public Art program’s 35th anniversary, community members turned out for a celebration at City Hall on November 19, sharing stories and observations about their experiences choosing, making and engaging with public art.

  • RACC makes a concerted effort to engage new artists in the various public art programs by offering workshops and information sessions on a regular basis. The Portable Works Collection added 56 works by 39 artists in 2015.
  • Bud Clark Commons, a facility that provides vital resources for people experiencing homelessness in Portland, hosted a year-long residency led by Tamara Lynne of Living Stages. The project engaged both Home Forward tenants and clients of Transition Projects in performances that addressed poverty, the cycle of homelessness and access to health care. It concluded with three performances of Theatre for Real Life, with opportunities for audiences to engage directly with the actors and the issues presented.
  • Two public courtyards now feature the the installation of the Riverscape Sculpture Series, three new works by the design collective Rhiza A+D, as part of a private residential development at NW 17th and Riverscape Street. The artworks pay homage to Greek emigrant Tom Stefopoulos who used the old columns of the Lovejoy Ramp as his canvases for fantastical drawings inspired by Greek mythology and Americana imagery.
  • Cradle, by artists Buster Simpson and Peg Butler, was dedicated as part of the grand opening of the South Waterfront Greenway in June. With the leadership of the Native American Community Advisory Council, RACC commissioned an additional greenway artwork for installation in spring 2016 by artists Lillian Pitt and Mikkel Hilde.
  • In July a vandal knocked over Talos No. 2, a sculpture by James Lee Hansen, located on Portland’s Transit Mall. The seven-foot-tall abstracted figure broke into multiple pieces on hitting the sidewalk, but quick work by Portland Police officers assured that everything was returned to RACC. Over three months, local conservator Robert Krueger and skilled welders from Art and Design Works helped RACC restore and strengthen the artwork. Talos No. 2 is once again securely attached to its pedestal on SW 6th and Stark.
  • The second annual Día de los Muertos installation at the Portland Building ran October 28-November 4. The display was organized by muralist Rodolfo Serna who worked with youth from the Boys & Girls Club to create large scale images on the walls while members of Portland’s Mexica Tiahui Aztec Dance Group set up traditional ofrendas (altars) in the center of the exhibition space.
  • List of all artist purchases and commissions in 2015

    • Sarah Abbott
    • Sandra K. Banister
    • Romson Regarde Bustillo
    • Ben Buswell
    • Cecily Mariece Caceu
    • Gwen Davidson
    • Tallmadge Doyle
    • Amjad S. Faur
    • Judith Poxson Fawkes
    • Joe Feddersen
    • Kevin Felts
    • Gary Groves
    • Julia Haack
    • Midori Hirose
    • Fay Jones
    • Arnold Kemp
    • Justin L’Amie
    • Kim Lakin
    • Ruth Lantz
    • Ellen Lesperance
    • Dana Lynn Louis
    • Janet Marcavage
    • Virginia Paquette
    • Kristin Pesola
    • Shaun Peterson
    • Ryan Pierce
    • Lillian Pitt
    • Ralph Pugay
    • Jan Reaves
    • Mauricio Saldaña
    • Crystal Schenk
    • Naomi Shigeta
    • Deb Stoner
    • Sarah Teasdale
    • Terry Toedtemeier
    • Liz Tran
    • Samantha Wall
    • Marie Watt
    • Linda Wysong
    • Susan Zoccola
    • Avantika Bawa
    • Calvin Ross Carl
    • Garrick Imatani
    • Ralph Pugay
    • Arise Rawk
    • Turiya Autry
    • Cool Nutz
    • Spencer Keeton Cunningham
    • Cyrcle
    • DJ Wicked
    • EatCho
    • Jaque Fragua
    • Gage Hamilton
    • Gary Hirsch
    • Andrew Hem
    • Garrick Imatani
    • INSA
    • Troy Lovegates
    • Low Bros
    • Tamara Lynn (Living Stages)
    • Jeremy Nichols
    • Nigamushi
    • Lillian Pitt & Mikkel Hilde
    • Rustam Qbic
    • Michael Reeder
    • Souther Salazar
    • Mauricio Saldaña
    • Kaia Sand
    • Rudy Serna
    • Buster Simpson
    • Tim Slew
    • Arvie Smith
    • Isaiah Spriggs
    • Jesus Torralba
    • Paige Wright
    • Randall Wyatt
    • Yoskay Yamamoto
    • Andy Behrle
    • Peg Butler
    • Jessica Hickey
    • Joshua Pew & Molly Eno
    • Deanna Pindell
    • Brittany Powell
    • Alanna Risse
    • Rodolfo Serna

Accomplishments: Advocacy & Development

In Accomplishments

Annual Report: Work for Art workforart.org

RACC advocates for increased public and private investments in arts and culture. On August 1, 2015, RACC launched a new fundraising event; “In the Garden of Artistic Delights” at Bella Madrona raised a net total of $35,000 in new funding for RACC’s project grants for individual artists. Work for Art, RACC’s workplace giving program, raised $750,350 in the 9th annual campaign that ended on June 30, 2015. All Work for Art proceeds—more than $6.2 million over the past nine years—go out as grants to local arts and culture organizations.

  • Four new companies joined Work for Art in 2014-15: Daimler Trucks North America, The Commerce Bank of Oregon, The LifeBalance Program, and Washington Trust Bank. Portland General Electric was recognized as the top Work for Art campaign of 2014-15, raising a total of $98,730. Burgerville had the highest employee participation for the sixth year in a row, and the Oregon Cultural Trust received special recognition in August as Work for Art’s Outstanding Community Partner in honor of the four grants awarded to Work for Art since 2006.
    List of participating companies

    • The following companies provided employee giving campaigns, company matching gift funds, and other donations for the 2014-15 campaign.
    • Top 15 workplace giving campaigns:
    • 1. Portland General Electric
    • 2. The Standard
    • 3. NW Natural
    • 4. Burgerville
    • 5. State of Oregon
    • 6. ZGF Architects
    • 7. OHSU
    • 8. KeyBank
    • 9. City of Portland
    • 10. Stoel Rives
    • 11. Multnomah County
    • 12. Cambia Health Solutions
    • 13. Perkins & Co
    • 14. Portland Timbers
    • 15. Umpqua Bank
    • Other participating companies:
    • Aldrich, Kilbride & Tatone
    • Artists Repertory Theatre
    • Axium
    • Boora Architects
    • Broadway Rose Theatre Company
    • Bullivant Houser Bailey
    • Burgerville
    • Business for Culture & the Arts
    • Cambia Health Solutions
    • Chamber Music Northwest
    • City of Beaverton
    • City of Lake Oswego
    • City of Portland
    • The Commerce Bank of Oregon
    • Daimler Trucks North America
    • Davis Wright Tremaine
    • Federal Workers
    • Forsgren Design Studio
    • Fred Meyer Community Rewards
    • The Freeman Family Foundation
    • Iberdrola
    • Ideba
    • Intel
    • Kaiser Permanente
    • KeyBank
    • LAIKA
    • Lane Powell
    • McDonald Jacobs
    • Metro
    • Metropolitan Group
    • Metropolitan Youth Symphony
    • Moda Health
    • Multnomah County
    • Norm Thompson Outfitters
    • Norris, Beggs, & Simpson Companies
    • North Clackamas Schools
    • NW Natural
    • OHSU
    • Oregon Ballet Theatre
    • Oregon Children’s Theatre
    • Oregon Cultural Trust
    • Pacfic University
    • Perkins & Co
    • PICA
    • Pop Art
    • Port of Portland
    • Portland Art Museum
    • Portland Business License Partners
    • Portland Center Stage
    • The Portland Clinic
    • Portland General Electric
    • Portland Opera
    • Portland Public Schools
    • Portland Timbers
    • Profile Theatre
    • Providence Health & Services
    • Puppet Labs
    • RACC Staff and Board
    • SERA Architects
    • Shields Natural Health Clinic
    • The Standard
    • State of Oregon
    • Stoel Rives
    • Therapeutic Associates
    • Tom Dwyer Automotive Service
    • Tonkon Torp
    • TriMet
    • Turtledove Clemens
    • Umpqua Bank
    • Vernier Software & Technology
    • Washington County
    • Washington Trust Bank
    • Wells Fargo
    • Young Audiences of Oregon & SW Washington
    • ZGF Architects
  • Nearly 2,000 donors now contribute $60 or more. These donors receive an Arts Card as a benefit, which is good for a full year of 2-for-1 tickets to performances, exhibits and other events by 75 arts and culture organizations. All donors are listed in Work for Art’s annual report.
  • Work for Art brought 62 artists into workplaces during campaign events in 2015 and increased the diversity of its “Artists in the Workplace” roster. Through hands-on arts experiences, performances, events and other outreach efforts, Work for Art reached nearly 10,000 employees in the region. List of artists in the workplace
    • Sara Beukers
    • Craig Bidondo
    • BodyVox (Jamey Hampton)
    • Christopher Brown Quartet (Christopher Brown, David Goldblatt, Randy Porter, Matt Tabor, Dylan Sundstrom)
    • The Circus Project (Sean Andries, Sadie Brown, Ywanne Chen, Marysia Kochac, Gwen O’Brien, Ashley Scheif, Brittany Walsh, Jacki Ward)
    • Merideth Kaye Clark
    • Terra DeHart
    • Do Jump! Extremely Physical Theatre (Brittany Walsh, Michael O’Neill)
    • Echo Theater Company (Yoji Hall, Robin Woolman)
    • Grupo Condor (Gerardo Calderon, Fernando Monroy, Nelda Reyes, Nelson Salazar)
    • Nat Hulskamp Trio (Nat Hulskamp, Bill Athens, Damian Erskine, Manavihare Sianindratovo)
    • Barna Howard
    • IMAGO Theatre (Anna Sell, Samson Syharath)
    • Nancy Judd (Recycle Runway)
    • Mei Li
    • Live Wire! Radio (Jed Arkley, Courtenay Hameister)
    • Caton Lyles Trio (Caton Lyles, Bernardo Gomez, Jon Hughes, Mike Van Liew, Art Viloria)
    • Susannah Mars
    • Sean McGrath
    • On Your Feet (Shelley Darcy, Daryl Olson)
    • Polaris Dance Theatre (Kiera Brinkley)
    • Matt Schlosky
    • Vin Shambry
    • Helvi Smith
    • LaRhonda Steele
    • Lauren Steele
    • Robert Villegas
    • The Weather Machine (Matthew Catmill, Nick Hamel, Luke Hoffman, Jack Martin, Colin Robson, Slater Smith, Tanner Smith, Andre Zapata)
    • Hilary Winfield
  • Work for Art’s Honorary Chair was Mike Golub, president of business operations for the Portland Timbers, and Co-chair Dave Lofland, president for KeyBank Oregon & SW Washington. In August Golub and Lofland announced that they would be leading the 2015-16 campaign as well, with a goal of raising $1 million during Work for Art’s tenth annual campaign. Donate now.
  • In July, RACC announced that it would absorb some programs formerly produced by Northwest Businesses for Culture & the Arts. A new BCA was formed, RACC’s “Business Committee for the Arts,” and the group is currently planning a new and improved Arts Breakfast of Champions that will take place at the Portland Art Museum on February 24, 2016.

Accomplishments: Grants

In Accomplishments

Complete List of All Grants Awarded

2015 was a record year for RACC grants, in part because of a significant increase in funding from the City of Portland’s voter-approved Arts Education and Access Fund, or arts tax. More than $3.9 million was awarded to 129 organizations and 121 artists in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2015, and more grants were awarded between July and December.

  • RACC is now reviewing all RACC grant programs with an equity lens. As part of this ongoing process, the regional arts community will continue to see new funding criteria to help overcome barriers that have prevented some underserved communities from accessing public funding in the past. Twenty projects were funded in May 2015 through RACC’s “Expanding Cultural Access” pilot program, and guidelines and applications for a new “Arts Equity Grant” will be available in January 2016. List of Expanding Cultural Access grants
    • APANO (Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon)
    • BCC BrownHall
    • Black United Fund – Vox Siren
    • Cascade AIDS Project
    • Colored Pencils
    • Dance for Parkinson’s Oregon
    • Folktime Inc
    • Hacienda CDC
    • Live On Stage
    • Living Stages
    • Mochitsuki
    • Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA)
    • Oregon Historical Society
    • Oregon Nikkei
    • Parkrose Heights Associations of Neighbors
    • Rogue Pack — Young Portland Speaks
    • Spect-Actors Collective
    • The Portland Commission on Disability
    • The Skanner Foundation
    • Wisdom of the Elders
  • After streamlining its Project Grant application process for community-based programming this year, RACC received a record 389 eligible applications in August. Forty-three artists, arts administrators and other community volunteers served on panels—91% of them for the first time—to discuss and evaluate the applications September-December. A total of $665,595 was ultimately funded in December, for 131 different projects that will take place in calendar year 2016.
    List of Project Grants

    • Feryal Abbasi-Ghnaim, $2,633
    • Chata Addy, $6,188
    • Okaidja Afroso, $5,250
    • Devon Allen, $4,538
    • Karl Anderson, $6,318
    • Scott Ballard, $5,313
    • Barbara Bernstein, $6,300
    • Sascha Blocker, $3,162
    • Grace Carter, $6,224
    • Jamuna Chiarini, $2,837
    • Pamela Chipman, $5,209
    • Scott Conary, $5,065
    • Bruce Conkle, $5,226
    • Emily Counts, $3,609
    • Kerry Davis, $5,801
    • Douglas Detrick, $5,211
    • Catherine Duffly, $4,384
    • Lenore Eklund, $5,496
    • Ty Ennis, $3,855
    • Adrienne Flagg, $4,845
    • Adam Friedman, $5,527
    • Hilary Galian, $4,100
    • Maria Garcia, $4,672
    • Damien Gilley, $5,235
    • Gia Goodrich, $5,925
    • Anne Greenwood, $5,405
    • Laura Hadden, $5,201
    • Courtenay Hameister, $5,900
    • Allie Hankins, $5,760
    • Jen Harrison, $6,636
    • Megan Haupt, $5,235
    • Faith Helma, $4,816
    • Matthew Henderson, $3,524
    • William Raul Hernandez Molina, $4,917
    • Geoffrey Hiller, $5,198
    • Justin Hocking, $6,255
    • Tahni Holt, $3,296
    • Anthony Hudson, $3,341
    • Chuck Israels, $6,300
    • Sara Jaffe, $4,789
    • Avalon Kalin, $1,525
    • Jennifer LaMastra, $4,477
    • Alain LeTourneau, $4,924
    • Wisteria Loeffler, $6,300
    • Elizabeth Malaska, $4,612
    • Brenda Mallory, $6,522
    • Christine Martell, $6,453
    • Paul Martone, $4,763
    • Kayla Mattes, $4,763
    • Renee Mitchell, $5,214
    • Ben Moorad, $5,250
    • Laura Moulton, $6,120
    • Brenna Murphy, $4,875
    • Hunter Noack, $6,605
    • Chris Parkhurst, $4,500
    • Frances Payne Adler, $6,071
    • Jess Perlitz, $2,363
    • Vu Pham, $5,054
    • Mo Phillips, $5,734
    • Ryan Pierce, $6,837
    • Luciana Proano, $5,306
    • Jennifer Rabin, $2,348
    • Sabine Rear, $1,982
    • Vanessa Renwick, $5,806
    • Morgan Ritter, $2,257
    • Dmae Roberts, $5,250
    • Ken Selden, $4,181
    • Norman Sylvester, $4,104
    • Sharita Towne, $6,120
    • Philip Van Scotter, $5,600
    • Sivagami Vanka, $5,239
    • Patricia Vazquez Gomez, $5,250
    • Matthew Vuksinich, $5,250
    • Samantha Wall, $6,749
    • Damaris Webb, $6,015
    • Ryan Woodring, $5,600
    • Jingzi Zhao, $4,418
    • Architecture Foundation of Oregon, $6,000
    • Blackfish Gallery, $6,297
    • Boom Arts, $5,250
    • Caldera, $6,650
    • Cerimon House, $4,015
    • Cinema Project, $4,608
    • Conduit Dance, Inc., $6,300
    • Congregation Beth Israel, $3,173
    • Creative Music Guild, $5,950
    • CymaSpace, $3,649
    • Design Week Portland, $5,250
    • Disability Art and Culture Project, $5,916
    • en Taiko, $3,600
    • Estacada Area Arts Commission, $5,055
    • Estacada Together, $4,200
    • Friends of the Children, $4,492
    • Hollywood Senior Center, $6,108
    • In Mulieribus, $3,673
    • India Cultural Association, $4,131
    • Japanese Garden Society of Oregon, $7,000
    • Kukatonon Children’s African Dance Troupe, $7,000
    • Latino Network, $6,565
    • Lewis & Clark College Hoffman Gallery, $5,250
    • Liminal Performance Group, $3,040
    • MediaRites, $7,000
    • MetroArts Inc, $4,365
    • Museum of Contemporary Craft, $5,950
    • New Expressive Works, $7,000
    • Newspace Center for Photography, $5,084
    • Northwest Animation Festival, $6,973
    • Old Church Society, Inc., $2,887
    • Opera Theater Oregon, $5,036
    • p:ear, $3,926
    • Pacific Northwest College of Art, $5,600
    • PassinArt: A Theatre Company, $5,186
    • Performance Works NorthWest, $5,250
    • Playwrights West, $5,063
    • Portland Children’s Museum, $5,250
    • Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble (PETE), $6,289
    • Portland Jazz Composers’ Ensemble, $5,894
    • Portland Oregon Women’s Film Festival (POW Fest), $6,300
    • Portland State University Foundation, $4,250
    • Portland Story Theater, $1,959
    • Portland SummerFest, $5,240
    • Portland Symphonic Choir, $5,600
    • QDoc: Portland Queer Documentary Film Festival, $6,251
    • RASIKA – India Arts and Culture Council, $6,700
    • Resonate Choral Arts, $3,056
    • Risk/Reward, $5,243
    • Signal Fire, $3,131
    • Sisters Of The Road, $6,650
    • Staged! Portland’s Musical Theatre Series, $7,000
    • The Rosewood Initiative, $3,857
    • Washington County Cooperative Library Services, $4,000
  • David Eckard and Ellen Lesperance were named RACC’s Visual Arts Fellows for 2015, and each received $20,000 in recognition of their artistic excellence and their contributions to the region.
    Meet David and Ellen.
  • RACC awarded a record $3.1 million in General Operating Support to 47 organizations based in the City of Portland, up $1.8 million from the prior year. Of these funds, 30% came from the City of Portland general fund, 60% from the City of Portland’s Arts Education & Access Fund (or arts tax), and 10% from Multnomah County. RACC also awarded General Operating Support (without arts tax funding) to three organizations in Clackamas and Washington Counties, funded by those counties.
    List of General Operating Support grants

    • Artist Repertory Theatre
    • Bag & Baggage Productions
    • Blue Sky Gallery
    • Bodyvox
    • Broadway Rose Theatre Company
    • Cappella Romana, Inc.
    • Chamber Music Northwest
    • Children’s Healing Art Project
    • Disjecta Contemporary Art Center
    • Echo Theater Company
    • Ethos Music Center
    • Friends of Chamber Music
    • Hollywood Theatre
    • Imago Theatre
    • Independent Publishing Resource Center
    • Lakewood Center for the Arts
    • Literary Arts, Inc.
    • Live Wire! Radio
    • Metropolitan Youth Symphony
    • Miracle Theatre Group
    • Northwest Children’s Theatre
    • Northwest Dance Project
    • NW Documentary Arts & Media
    • Oregon Ballet Theatre
    • Oregon Children’s Theatre
    • Oregon Symphony Association
    • PDX Jazz
    • Pendulum Aerial Arts
    • PHAME Academy
    • Playwrite, Inc.
    • Portland Art Museum/Northwest Film Center
    • Portland Baroque Orchestra
    • Portland Center Stage
    • Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    • Portland Gay Men’s Chorus
    • Portland Institute for Contemporary Art
    • Portland Opera
    • Portland Piano International
    • Portland Taiko
    • Portland Youth Philharmonic
    • Profile Theatre Project
    • Tears of Joy Theatre
    • The Portland Ballet
    • The Third Angle New Music Ensemble
    • Third Rail Repertory Theatre
    • White Bird
    • Write Around Portland
    • Young Audiences of Oregon

Accomplishments: Community Services

In Accomplishments

RACC continues to be a leading provider of information and resources for local artists, arts administrators and arts educators. Through racc.org, social media channels, and both printed and electronic newsletters, RACC distributes valuable and relevant content. RACC actively solicits community feedback and listens to underrepresented populations to discover ways that we can better serve everyone in the tri-county region.

  • RACC presented four Art Spark networking events in 2015, including a public art focus at Stormbreaker Brewing in North Portland in July, and an arts education focus at Canton Grill on SE 82nd Avenue in October. Art Spark is a conduit for local artists to connect with each other and learn more about the services that RACC has available.
  • RACC’s workshop series in 2015 attracted attendance from more than 270 artists and a range of topics were covered from grant writing to copyrights, social media tools and mural painting techniques.
  • The Cultural Leadership Program provided 18 arts organizations with George Thorn’s consulting assistance. This helps them address leadership transitions, expand markets and assess other challenges and opportunities.
  • In November, RACC kicked off the 12th annual edition of Art of Leadership, a six-month training program delivered through a series of workshops that help prepare business professionals to serve on the boards of arts and culture organizations. The program was adopted by RACC this year after Businesses for Culture & The Arts ceased operations in July. Meet the class of 2015-16.

Accomplishments: Arts Education

In Accomplishments

Arts education continues to grow as a central function at RACC. The Right Brain Initiative is recognized both locally and nationally as a leader in arts integration. An expanded arts education department at RACC, funded in part by the Arts Education & Access Fund, now lends support to the 83 arts teachers in every elementary school in the City of Portland. By any measure, 2015 was a successful year.


Every year, RACC relies on hundreds of community volunteers to help guide our mission and to make important funding decisions. To those who have donated their time over the last 12 months, thank you!

Board Committees and Resource Council

  • Jan Robertson, chair
  • Phillip T. Hillaire, vice chair
  • Eileen L. Day, treasurer
  • Eric Hormel, secretary
  • Nik Blosser
  • Verlea G. Briggs
  • Katy A. Brooks
  • Robert Bucker
  • Raymond Cheung, CPA
  • Daryl Dixon
  • Representative Lew Frederick
  • Debbie Glaze
  • Mike Golub
  • Osvaldo “Ozzie” Gonzalez
  • Angela Hult
  • Dana Ingram
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Joe Krumm
  • David R. Lofland
  • Linda McGeady
  • Brenda L. Meltebeke
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Steve Rosenbaum
  • Shyla M. Spicer
  • Alan Alexander III
  • Pam Baker
  • Jesse Beason
  • Ernie Bloch II
  • Claudia Burnett
  • Jennifer Cies
  • Jay Clemens
  • Eric Friedenwald-Fishman
  • George Forbes
  • Gywneth Gamble Booth
  • Linda Garcia Seabold
  • Kira Higgs
  • Karen Karbo
  • Mike Lindberg
  • Gary Maffei
  • Mary Maletis
  • Julie Mancini
  • Josie Mendoza
  • Cate Millar
  • Max Miller, Jr.
  • Randy J. Miller
  • Carole Morse
  • Bonita Oswald
  • Robert Packard
  • Dorothy Piacentini
  • Bettsy Preble
  • Mary Ruble
  • Joan E. Sappington
  • Carol Smith, Ed.D.
  • Craig Thompson
  • Julie Vigeland
  • Clark Worth
  • Phillip Hillaire, chair
  • Ozzie Gonzalez
  • Joe Krumm
  • Shyla Spicer
  • Jan Robertson, board chair
  • Phillip Hillaire, vice chair
  • Eileen Day, treasurer
  • Eric Hormel, secretary
  • Mike Golub
  • Verlea Briggs
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Linda McGeady
  • Eileen Day, board treasurer
  • Nik Blosser
  • Raymond Cheung
  • Jennifer Cies
  • Eric Hormel
  • Steve Rosenbaum
  • Susheela Jayapal, chair
  • Ozzie Gonzalez
  • Angela Hult
  • Shyla Spicer
  • Jesse Beason
  • Linda McGeady, chair
  • Phillip Hillaire
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Joe Krumm
  • Jan Robertson
  • Phillip Hillaire
  • Linda McGeady
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Nan Curtis
  • John Forsgren
  • Matthew Juniper
  • Karen Karbo
  • Wendy Red Star
  • Linda Tesner
  • Dorie Vollum
  • David Wark
  • Max Miller Jr., co-chair
  • Carol R. Smith, Ed. D., co-chair
  • Verlea Briggs
  • Tom Hughes
  • Marvin Kaiser
  • Bruce Livingston
  • Sarah Prevost
  • Jim Schlachter
  • Judy Shiprack
  • Joy Leising
  • Hulie Rierson
  • Jan Robertson
  • Dayle Spitzer
  • (In the Garden of Artistic Delights, August 2015)
  • Linda McGeady, chair
  • Bob Gandolfi
  • Phillip Hillaire
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Lina Garcia Seabold
  • Cindy Thompson
  • Kregg Arntson
  • Peter Bilotta
  • Mike Golub
  • Angela Hult
  • Dave Lofland
  • Josie Mendoza
  • Jan Robertson
  • Mike Golub, Portland Timbers, co-chair
  • Dave Lofland, KeyBank, co-chair
  • Angela Dowling, Cambia Health Solutions
  • Nick Fish, City of Portland
  • Jeff Harvey, Burgerville
  • Tom Hughes, Metro
  • Deborah Kafoury, Multnomah County
  • Gregg Kantor, NW Natural
  • Carole Morse, Oregon Cultural Trust
  • Greg Ness, The Standard
  • Bob Packard, Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects
  • Jim Piro, Portland General Electric
  • Jan Robertson, Norris Beggs & Simpson Companies
  • Julie Vigeland, Oregon Arts Commission

Our Government Liaisons

  • Portland City Commissioner Nick Fish
  • Jenny Kalez, Commissioner Fish’s Office
  • Clackamas County Commissioner Martha Shrader
  • Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury
  • Multnomah County Commissioner Judy Shiprack
  • Washington County Commissioner Dick Schouten
  • Metro President Tom Hughes

Grant Panels

  • Yaelle Amir
  • Ben Buswell
  • Gabe Flores
  • Lisa Jarrett
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Blake Shell
  • Eric Stotik
  • Adlai Alexander
  • Gina Altamura
  • Yaelle Amir
  • Yulia Arakelyan
  • Judith Arcana
  • Jesse Beason
  • David Bee
  • Amy Bernstein
  • Nik Blosser
  • Francene Blythe
  • Erin Boberg Doughton
  • Ben Buswell
  • Meshi Chavez
  • Jessica Dart
  • Jeremy Davis
  • Elizabeth de León Barrera
  • Wynde Dyer
  • Catherine Egan
  • Elizabeth Eslinger
  • Gabe Flores
  • Jonathan Frochtzwajg
  • Avery Gilbert
  • Anna Gray
  • Samuel Hobbs
  • Heath Houghton
  • Angela Hult
  • Kamla Hurst
  • Lisa Jarrett
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Richard Jung
  • Andre Knaebel
  • Susannah Mars
  • Ian McCluskey
  • Nina Montenegro
  • Dave Mowry
  • Liz Obert
  • Rafael Otto
  • Van Pham
  • Melissa Poulin
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Christopher Rose
  • Raziah Roushan
  • Tracy Schlapp
  • Blake Shell
  • Stephanie Simek
  • Eric Stotik
  • Amanda Tillstrom
  • Carol Triffle
  • Stephanie Trotter
  • Holcombe Waller
  • Nikki Weaver
  • Jen Wechsler
  • Mel Wells
  • Reeva Wortel
  • Jesse Beason
  • Nik Blosser
  • Angela Hult
  • Susheela Jayapal, chair
  • Ozzie Gonzalez

Public Art Panels

  • Nan Curtis
  • Michael Endo
  • Brian Padian
  • Patricia Vazquez Gomez
  • Kezia Wanner
  • Terresa White
  • Yoonhee Choi
  • Roll Hardy
  • Grant Hottle
  • Blake Shell
  • Tammy Jo Wilson
  • Luann Algoso
  • Diana Banning
  • Jim Carmin
  • Clare Carpenter
  • Mary Hansen
  • Garrick Imatani
  • Andrea Coghlan
  • Phillip T. Hillaire
  • Lisa Jarrett
  • Matthew Juniper
  • Cris Moss
  • Shara Alexander
  • Michelle DePass
  • Debora Leopold Hutchins
  • Kathy Kendrix
  • Diana Moosman
  • Laurie Simpson
  • Lesley Unthank
  • Ellen Vanderslice
  • Patricia Welsh
  • Tana Atchley
  • Phillip T. Hillaire
  • Verdene McGuire
  • Sherry Scott
  • Judy Bluehorse Skelton
  • Liz Fouther-Branch
  • Gideon Hughes
  • Kendra Larson
  • Wendy Red Star
  • Mark Richardson Smith
  • Tomas Alfredo Valladares
  • Nan Curtis
  • John Forsgren
  • Phillip T. Hillaire
  • Matthew Juniper
  • Karen Karbo
  • Linda McGeady
  • Joanne Priestley
  • Wendy Red Star
  • Linda Tesner
  • Dorie Vollum
  • David Wark

Right Brain Volunteers

  • Marina Barcelo
  • Claire Bassett
  • Kimberly Brecko
  • Verlea Briggs
  • Cheryl Bristah
  • Cecily Caceu
  • Mark Caporeal
  • Michelle Carroll
  • Chris Celauro
  • Matthew Chase
  • Anna Crandall
  • Robb Cummings
  • Yolanda Evans
  • Paul Fardig
  • Audrey Forbes
  • Tony Fuemmeler
  • Michelle Fujii
  • Morgan McFall Funes
  • Subashini Ganesan
  • Natalie Garyet
  • Melissa Goff
  • Kelsey Gray
  • Rachel Greben
  • Kelley Groves
  • Dorit Harvey
  • James Evans Harvey
  • Frank Hunt
  • Shannon Hutchinson
  • Sarah Hwang
  • Katie Herro
  • Tom Hughes
  • Tim James
  • Barry Johnson
  • Debbie Johnson
  • Taylor Hom Johnson
  • Marvin Kaiser
  • Teresa Ketelsen
  • Ashley Klump
  • Steve Larson
  • Bruce Livingston
  • Nikhil Mahapatra
  • Grace McMicken
  • Mercy McNab
  • David Meesenberg
  • Renee Middleton
  • Max Miller
  • Meera Ram Mohan
  • Sarah Moody
  • Emily Morris
  • Stephanie Nguyen
  • Kevin Noonan
  • Rufus Paisley
  • Van Pham
  • Sarah Prevost
  • Davis Priestley
  • Jan Robertson
  • Traci Rossi
  • Jim Schlachter
  • Alicia Sheetz
  • Judy Shiprack
  • Molly Siebert
  • Carol R. Smith
  • Karen Stein
  • Joel Stuart
  • Monique Terner
  • Becky Thomas
  • Contessa Trujillo
  • Kaileigh Westermann
  • Jasmine Westmoreland
  • Kristina Weischadle
  • Don Wood
  • Ahmed Yusuf
  • Bobby Zaman
  • Malindi Zimmer

Work for Art Volunteers

  • Terry Clelen
  • Meagan Cooney
  • Josh Francis
  • Nneka Hall
  • Aria Jackson
  • Adrienne Livingston
  • Shabab Ahmed Mirza
  • Olga Sanchez
  • Aaron Smith
  • Gus Wendel
  • Marshawna Williams

Other Volunteers

  • Anne Barragar and Gregory Chaimov of Davis Wright Tremaine
  • Rob Cummings
  • Josh Francis
  • Mary Bauer
  • Rebecca Burrell
  • Pricilla Cheung
  • Barbara Greenberg
  • Dawndae Hamilton
  • Windy Hovey
  • Kathryn Jackson
  • Mary Kelley
  • Maya McFaddin
  • Andre Middleton
  • Shabab Ahmed Mirza
  • Anna Rigby
  • Julie Sheridan
  • Phoebe Southwood
  • Ahmed Yusuf
  • Tina Dippert

Our work would not be possible without the extraordinary contributions we receive from businesses, foundations, government agencies and individuals. We are incredibly grateful for your support!

RACC Donor List

  • City of Portland, Mayor Charlie Hales and Commissioner Nick Fish
  • The City of Portland’s Arts Education & Access Fund
  • Multnomah County, Chair Deborah Kafoury
  • Washington County, Commissioner Dick Schouten
  • Clackamas County, Commissioner Martha Scrader
  • Metro, President Tom Hughes
  • Oregon Arts Commission, Executive Director Brian Rogers
  • Oregon Cultural Trust, Executive Director Brian Rogers
  • National Endowment for the Arts, Chair Jane Chu
  • Jesse Beason & Jeff Gierer
  • Nik Blosser
  • Verlea Briggs / Briggs Family
  • Katy A. Brooks
  • Robert Bucker
  • Raymond Cheung, CPA
  • Jennifer Cies & Maria Gonzalez
  • Jay Clemens
  • Eileen and Michael Day
  • Lew Frederick
  • Garcia Seabold Investments, LLC
  • Debbie Glaze
  • Mike Golub
  • Ozzie Gonzalez
  • Kira Higgs
  • Phillip T. Hillaire
  • Eric and Keena Hormel
  • Angela Hult
  • Dana Ingram
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Kroger Family of Stores
  • Joe Krumm
  • David R. Lofland, Jr.
  • Linda McGeady and Steven Douglas McGeady, The McGeady Family Foundation
  • Brenda L. Meltebeke
  • Max and Lori Miller
  • Bonita Oswald
  • Joanna Priestley and Paul Harrod
  • Jan Robertson
  • Steve Rosenbaum
  • Shyla M. Spicer
  • Artists Repertory Theatre
  • A to Z Wine Works
  • Bag & Baggage
  • Bella Madrona
  • Bethel Heights Vineyard
  • BodyVox
  • Broadway Rose Theatre
  • Duck Pond Cellars
  • Friends of Chamber Music
  • Gerding Edlen
  • Steve and Lina Garcia Seabold
  • Garcia Seabold Investments
  • Eric Hormel
  • KeyBank
  • Literary Arts
  • Linda and Steven McGeady
  • NW Children’s Theatre
  • NW Dance Project
  • Norris Beggs & Simpson
  • Oregon Symphony
  • PDX Jazz
  • Portland Art Museum
  • Portland Center Stage
  • Portland Piano International
  • Portland Timbers and Portland Thorns
  • Sandoval’s Restaurants
  • Kiki Seabold
  • Al Solheim
  • Tacoma Museum of Glass
  • Tequila Cazadores
  • Third Angle New Music
  • Third Rail
  • Tonkon Torp LLP
  • Widmer Brothers Brewing
  • Theodore Roosevelt Association
  • Oregon Roughrider Chapter & Daughters of the American Revolution
  • Cascadia Art Conservation Center
  • 3rd Street Pizza Co.
  • 4imprint
  • Adams and Ollman
  • Addy’s Sandwich Bar
  • Augen Gallery
  • A-WOL Dance Collective
  • Bag & Baggage Productions
  • Biwa Restaurant
  • Bridgetown Printing Co
  • Brown Printing
  • Burgerville
  • Business for Culture and the Arts
  • Buster’s Buttons and More
  • Cascadia Art Conservation
  • Children’s Museum
  • Copper Monkey Event Center
  • Cummings, Robb
  • Cupcake Jones
  • Curious Comedy Theater
  • Dave’s Killer Bread
  • Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
  • DocuSource
  • Dustin Funes Real Estate
  • Edna Vazquez/Tonatl Music LLC
  • Elizabeth Leach Gallery
  • Erica Ann Photography
  • FedEx
  • Finnegan’s Toys and Gifts
  • Flying Pie Pizzaria
  • Food Traffic
  • Frame Central – Pearl
  • Framing Resource
  • Froelick Gallery
  • G6 Airpark
  • Gary McGee & Co., LLP
  • Grand Central Bakery
  • Grotto, The
  • Hot Lips Pizza
  • Hot Yoga for Life
  • Impress Printing
  • Jazzi Photography
  • Kinfolk Magazine
  • Laura Russo Gallery, The
  • Laurelwood Brewing Co
  • Learning Palace
  • Lindsay, Ian
  • Live Wire! Radio
  • Marsee Baking
  • McMenamins
  • Miller Paint
  • Mississippi Pizza
  • NW Children’s Theatre
  • Oregon Ballet Theatre
  • Oregon Symphony
  • Paulus, Michael
  • PDX Contemporary Art
  • Planet Granite
  • Plastic Printers
  • Pop Art
  • Portland Art Museum
  • Portland Center Stage
  • Portland Children’s Museum
  • Portland General Electric
  • Portland Roasting Coffee
  • Portland Timbers
  • Portland Tribune/Washington County Winter Arts Guide
  • Portland Youth Philharmonic
  • PosterGarden
  • Pushdot Studio
  • Real Mother Goose, The
  • Rose City Coffee Co.
  • Rose City Maids
  • Safeway
  • Salty’s Pet Supplies
  • Scribe, LLC
  • Smashed
  • Snap Fitness
  • Sock Dreams
  • Staccato Gelato
  • Stange Design
  • Stevens Integrated Solutions
  • Sun Glow
  • Terminal Gravity Brewing
  • Tina’s Restaurant
  • Trader Joes
  • Uptown Billiards
  • VooDoo Doughnuts
  • Willakenzie Estates
  • Wine Valet, The
  • World Trade Center Catering

Right Brain Donor List

Work for Art Donor List


We’re not in it alone! In fact, we rely on collaborations with dozens of other extraordinary organizations in order to enrich our communities through arts and culture.

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Americans for the Arts (AFTA)
  • Business for Culture & the Arts
  • City Club of Portland
  • Clackamas County Arts Alliance
  • Cultural Advocacy Coalition
  • Grantmakers in the Arts
  • Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington
  • Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber
  • The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
  • Nonprofit Association of Oregon
  • Oregon Arts Commission
  • Oregon Cultural Trust
  • Oregon Native American Chamber
  • Portland Business Alliance
  • Private Sector Network
  • Public Art Network
  • The Society for Human Resource Management
  • Travel Portland
  • United Arts Fund Network
  • U.S. Urban Arts Federation
  • Westside Cultural Alliance, Washington County
  • Willamette Valley Development Officers

We also wish to thank

  • AKT – Elizabeth Clarke and Scott Daniels
  • Linda Austin
  • Geof Beasley
  • Canton Grill
  • Children of Chaos
  • Davis Wright Tremaine – Anne Barrager, Gregory Chaimov and Sheila Fox Morrison
  • Arron Dieter
  • Jefferson Greene
  • Matt Ellsbury
  • Figure 8 Consulting – April Lewis and Carol French
  • Emily Ketterman
  • Johanna Kim
  • Adair Law
  • Mindy Leek
  • Stacey Mattraw
  • Gary McGee and Yee Lee McGee
  • Anita Menon
  • Portland Center Stage
  • Portland Opera
  • Radio Room
  • Risk of Change
  • Kiki Seabold
  • Spirit of ‘77
  • Stormbreaker Brewing
  • Susan Matlack Jones & Associates, LLC – Erin Zollenkopf
  • Deborah Tompkins
  • Vie De Boheme
  • Wess Willis
  • Jen Wick
  • Scott Winn
  • Xenium HR – Molly Kelley
  • Ron Paul
  • Jim Sampson



Regional Arts & Culture Council

411 NW Park Avenue, Suite 101
Portland, Oregon 97209



Guidelines and applications










Grants, jobs, calls to artists, residencies, workshops, studio space & more


Thank you for supporting the ongoing work of the Regional Arts & Culture Council. RACC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax ID 93-1059037.

Donate now