

Artists inspire, delight, question, challenge, connect, and teach us. They remind us where we came from and show us where we are headed. Pre-COVID, the arts and cultural community generated more than $330M in local spending and supported more than 12,000 jobs. 

Too often, support for artists and creatives is deemed a luxury; expendable. This could not be further from the truth. Walk through our neighborhoods and public spaces and you can see how our creative community enriches our everyday. Look anywhere in greater Portland and you will find artists using the power of their voices and self-expression to show us joy and give us hope. They are calling out injustice and inspiring social change.

2020 has been a year of compounding crises and challenges for art organizations and artists. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted life in all communities, and presented disproportionate health and economic impacts for communities of color and under-resourced communities. Urgent calls to action to address the violent, ongoing legacy of systemic racism came into greater public focus this year, demanding we all take action, do more. RACC responded to the needs of our community in the early days of the pandemic. Our commitment to racial equity and justice is being fulfilled by our actions.

Portland’s arts, culture, and creative communities are diverse. What they have in common is the need for our support. Without intentional investment and care today, they will not be here when this crisis is over. We need art and creativity in our lives. This work – and these people – are critical both for restoring our communities and rebuilding the Portland we want for the future.

Together with our partners, the Regional Arts & Culture Council is providing support for artists; advocating for and with them so that they may lead the search for creative solutions based on empathy, equity and humanity.

Will you join us?

Madison Cario, Executive Director




About Racc


To enrich our communities through arts and culture.


A thriving region, powered by creativity, with arts and culture in every neighborhood.


  • Accessibility – Inclusion, simplicity and ease
  • Advocacy – Visibility, resources, and impact
  • Equity – Racial justice and representation in services and investments
  • Diversity – Of art forms and artistic traditions
  • Community – For belonging, support, and connection
  • Innovation – Testing & adapting; finding new ways to deliver value.


RACC Audited Financial Statements FY2019-20

Click on the revenue pie chart below to reveal more detail.


Public support $11,871,864 88.2%
Private sector contributions $816,870 5.9%
Earned income $814,016 5.9%
Total Revenue $13,502,750 100.0%

FY20 revenue includes $20,000 pass-through funds for Clackamas County Arts Action Alliance, $123,205 pass-through funds for County Cultural Coalitions, $107,823 pass-through funds for Tualatin Valley Creates, and $64,167 pass-through funds for WGP Donor Designated Gifts to Arts Organizations.

Advocacy $68,398 0.5%
Grants & PD Programs* $7,448,768 56.3%
Public Art $3,080,173 23.3%
Community Services $324,973 2.5%
Arts Education $786,470 5.9%
Fundraising $135,973 1.0%
Management & General $1,390,243 10.5%
Total expenses $13,234,998 100.0%
Increase in Net Assets $191,983
Net assets at beginning of year $2,343,379
Net assets at end of year $2,535,362

* Includes $315,195 WPG Donor Designated funds to Arts Organizations, and pass-through funds to Clackamas County Arts Alliance, and the Cultural Coalitions of Washington and Multnomah Counties

Highlights: Year In Review

No one anticipated this year’s highlights would include a global pandemic and the largest social justice movement of the past generation. RACC responded with significant program changes to support community needs. 

The coronavirus required RACC staff, volunteers, and board members to innovate, finding ways to respond to – and measure – the impact of COVID-19. We pivoted to digital platforms, gave immediate relief to artists and arts organizations, and launched new initiatives providing funding and commissions. Protests and social unrest in the city of Portland required increased maintenance and care of public monuments, and we supported City and community efforts to remove harmful historical statues.

We paused some regular grant programs
Pausing allowed staff to support the creation, development, and delivery of emergency and federal CARES funding opportunities. We also used the pause to evaluate how to leverage our grantmaking to best address the impacts of COVID/racial justice on the art-making community. Through a public survey, feedback, and focus groups with individuals who self-identify as Asian, Black, Latinx, Multiracial, Native American, or Pacific Islander, we heard new ways to reposition our grant offerings and direct services.

We gave out Emergency Grants to Artists and Creative Workers
In spring 2020 we quickly moved to offer Emergency Grants to Artists and Creative Workers from program asset allocations and individual giving. In FY 19-20 we awarded 401 total grants in the amount of $200,500.

We continued our inclusive and representative decision-making
RACC’s Board of Directors reflect the rich diversity of greater Portland. About half of RACC’s board self-identify as Asian, Black, Latinx, Multiracial, Native American, or Pacific Islander, in addition to reflecting many other dimensions of diversity including age, gender, sexual orientation, and ability.

For the past decade, RACC has been working to create inclusive and representative grant and public art review panels and decision-making processes. Artists, curators, community members, and public officials work together with RACC to commission, select, and purchase new works from artists. In FY 19-20, more than half of all panel members selected by RACC working on active projects self-identify as a member of an under-represented community, including people that identify as Asian, Black, Latinx, Multiracial, Native American, or Pacific Islander.

We adopted a new Strategic Framework 2020-22
Throughout FY 19-20, RACC staff and board leadership devoted time and resources to evaluating our organization’s challenges, focusing on our strengths and opportunities. In service of our vision, the organization was restructured in January 2020 with four primary goals: improve operations, create a unified programs team, increase investments, and increase advocacy. These goals were carried into a planning process resulting in our Board of Directors adopting RACC’s Strategic Framework 2020-22 in June 2020 with the following five high-level goals:

  • Goal 1: Build an equitable, innovative, sustainable organization
  • Goal 2: Increase access
  • Goal 3: Advocate for arts & culture
  • Goal 4: Diversify & increase resources
  • Goal 5: Drive innovation & partnership.

More details here  

An arts education helps create skills that children need in order to communicate effectively, expand their critical thinking, and engage with their community. 

Art brings exposure to the world around us and broadens children’s interests as their capacity to learn new things expands. Students find solace in the arts and a space for their voices to be heard. Though arts, students are able to build consensus and connection, bring awareness to social issues, and highlight inequality and inequity in the world around them. Through arts education, our children—and the greater community—can see connections and develop unique relationships that align with our common goals and interests. Arts can— and should—be a celebration of our rich, culturally diverse society.

RACC supports arts education through advocacy and direct support of our teachers in the six districts provided funding from Portland’s voter-approved Arts Education and Access Fund (AEAF). This includes direct communications, the navigation of community resources, technical support, and creating connections and cross collaboration within the region. RACC also cultivated a comprehensive, user-friendly resource for arts educators. RACC creates space for arts liaisons and curriculum leaders to collaborate and learn from each other through meetings and by offering opportunities for professional development. Through a lens of equity, arts education advocacy at RACC centers a well-rounded arts education that is accessible and inclusive for all students, from kindergarten to high school graduation day.

Since Portland voters approved this dedicated funding source in 2012, every public elementary school in all six Portland school districts (Centennial, David Douglas, Parkrose, Portland Public, Reynolds, and Riverdale) now has at least one visual art, music, drama, or dance teacher on staff—more than 100 teachers total.

During the start of Comprehensive Distant Learning, schools across the six districts receiving support from AEAF worked to bring arts education into their virtual classrooms. Teachers found new and creative ways to engage and keep students interested in learning from home. RACC has worked to support teachers and has met them where they are. We understand and know this is a difficult time for all of us.

Part of RACC’s restructuring earlier this year included a reexamination of some long-time partnerships. In January 2020, RACC and Young Audiences of Oregon & SW Washington (Young Audiences) announced a change in management of The Right Brain Initiative (RBI). The shift of RBI management to Young Audiences plays to the strengths and expertise of each organization, sustains a long-standing and successful partnership, and ensures the continuity of the program for students, teachers, and schools. 


When Governor Brown and local officials began restricting crowd sizes and implementing stay-home orders in response to COVID-19, RACC quickly responded.

Our first step was to create the Oregon COVID-19 Arts Impact Survey. This survey helped paint a picture of the impact of these measures on the arts community, estimating losses from March to May 2020 for individuals working in the arts as well as for arts organizations. They reported $56M in lost revenue for a single quarter from lost contracts, shows, and teaching work cancelled in order to comply with restrictions on group sizes, gatherings, and requirements for social distancing. Our survey results provided much of the data needed to advocate for relief from both private and public sector funders.

Our second step was to provide emergency relief to individual artists. RACC awarded three rounds of Emergency Grants to Artists and Creative Workers in Spring 2020. $200,500 in grants of $500 each went to 401 individuals. 38.4% of the artists funded (or 154 of the 401) self-identified as African American or Black, Asian, Latinx, Multi-Racial, Native American or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.

Our third immediate action was distributing nearly $800,000 to arts organizations from the Arts Education & Access Funds held in a “rainy day” reserve. These funds were for General Operating Support and Capacity Building partner organizations.

With the landscape changing rapidly due to COVID-19, RACC helped advocate for and create one-time and sustainable funding opportunities to ensure local creatives are able to meet basic needs and fund creative expression. RACC’s advocacy, alongside many local and state partners, resulted in:

  • Federal, state, and local COVID-relief (CARES) funds for artists, arts and culture organizations
  • State and federal CARES funding for performance venues, including small businesses with public performance spaces
  • More than $3 million in statewide pooled funding for responsive grants to arts organizations, administered with an equity lens by the Oregon Community Foundation
  • Public funders tapping RACC’s grantmaking expertise and supportive grant administration systems to distribute millions in state and local CARES funding.

Additionally, to help mitigate the economic disruption caused by the pandemic on our community, we secured new funding for our programs from the National Endowment for the Arts, Oregon Arts Commission (OAC) and SeaChange while also maintaining continued investments from Oregon Cultural Trust, OAC, and the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation.

 Art Spark and Art & Power

  • RACC’s quarterly networking event, Art Spark, celebrating Portland’s creative community and exchange of resources, went on hiatus in 2020. However, a special August 2019 edition of Art Spark connected artists who participated in RACC’s mural-making workshop with Philadelphia Mural Arts. Special acknowledgment to pre-Art Spark workshop presenters: Shira Walinsky and Cathy Harris from Mural Arts Philadelphia.
  • In July 2018, RACC kicked off the Art & Power series, which centers the voices of artists of color. The two Art & Power events of the past fiscal year focused on Disability and Accessibility and Centering the Voices of Black Artists.

 Art & Power speakers and moderators 

  • Garima Thakur
  • Elea Chang
  • Leila Haile
  • Luann V. Tan
  • Bemnia Lathan
  • S. Renee Mitchell
  • Carlos the Rollerblader
  • Christine Miller
  • Mic Crenshaw

    RACC’s Reach Online

    • 6,008 Art Notes (e-newsletter) subscribers
    • Growing social media presence and engagement
    • Doubled our community engagement from 2K to 4K monthly (organic) engaged members
    • 35 blog posts
    • 626,380 racc.org website page views
    • 210,409 racc.org website sessions
    • 113,707 racc.org website new users

    RACC supports a thriving arts and culture community by providing direct financial support to artists, arts organizations, and arts providers in greater Portland, with a focus on artists, creatives, students, teachers, and public audiences that have been marginalized by systems and institutions.

    By applying an equity lens in our grantmaking and public art selection processes we support the region’s vital arts and culture ecosystem. As one measure, nearly half of those receiving funding (41%) from our core grantmaking programs (Project Grants and Professional Development Grants) self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or artists of color. Altogether, RACC provided $814,870 in these grants to 232 individual artists including 4% who identified as immigrant/refugees, 11% as individuals experiencing a disability, .4% as homeless/houseless, and 34% as LGBTQIA+.

    This fiscal year was the first year of RACC’s retooled General Operating Support  with Base + Investment awards reflecting RACC’s implementation of a strong new equity framework. These changes, approved by RACC’s Board of Directors in early 2019 after a multi-year process, acknowledged the historic disparity of our funding model and allowed RACC to more effectively encourage the equity work of our partner organizations. As expected, the changes also paved the way for new organizations to receive General Operating Support, including those led by and serving historically underserved communities. Base awards provide stable, predictable funding and allow organizations to better plan and budget. Investment awards bring an element of competition, providing organizations the opportunity to distinguish themselves based on measures of operational health, artistic programming, and community benefit. FY 19-20 was also RACC’s first full year of Project “Catalyst” Grants. In FY 19-20 these grants provided 75 first-time awardees with $225,000 in funding over three grant cycles.

    When our Oregon COVID-19 Arts Impact Survey revealed the growing impact on the local, regional, and statewide arts and culture community, RACC staff responded, modifying our grantmaking by:

    • Reaching out to grantees to understand emerging needs
    • Providing flexibility for using grant funds
    • Relaxing reporting and/or proposal requirements
    • Providing rapid response/relief funds.

    Funding for RACC’s grant programs comes from a variety of sources including Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties, individual contributors, workplace giving programs, and foundations. The city of Portland contributes the majority of funding for grants through a general fund allocation and the City’s voter-approved Arts Education and Access Fund. Details on RACC grantmaking can be found here.

    This year RACC also provided numerous opportunities for personal and professional development for artists, art organizations, and their leaders. This included Art and Power and Art Spark events, networking, classes, coaching, and more. Spring 2020 was RACC’s largest ever Art of Leadership cohort—more than 70 people participated in six workshops over a six month period.


    In partnership with our Public Art Committee, we are intentionally moving the public art collections in our care to more accurately represent the many distinct individuals and communities who enliven our region. 

    Major projects this year included a diversity of artistic disciplines and points of view:

    • In May 2020, as part of our immediate response to individual artists and creative workers impacted by COVID-19, RACC issued two new calls for public art calls: a direct purchase of artwork for The Visual Chronicle of Portland, and Support Beam, a new initiative to commission and support in-studio work by 19 emerging visual artists.  Both opportunities prioritized Asian, Black, Latinx, Multiracial, Native American, and Pacific Islander artists, acknowledging the disproportionate historical and ongoing systemic inequities and the impact of the pandemic on their communities.
    • Two new major collections of artworks were installed, one at the Portland Building  through the City of Portland, the other at the new Multnomah County Central Courthouse. Both collections include artworks by local and nationally acclaimed artists. By intentionally including artists with a range of ages, genders, backgrounds, and identities, these two new collections reflect the diverse communities living and working in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
    • RACC installed a temporary public art project along the NE Holladay Street median strip in between the Oregon Convention Center and the new Hyatt Hotel, funded by the Prosper Portland’s Percent for Art Program. As part of this new series, called In—Between, RACC invited Portland-based artist Intisar Abioto and Brooklyn-based artist Hank Willis Thomas to create ten banners, each 10 feet tall, featuring text-based artwork by Thomas and images by Abioto. The banners appeared on five posts along NE Holladay Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and First Avenue through the end of 2020.
    • RACC’s Murals Program supported the creation of several new works including: Color Outside the Lines’ Unity Project, which paired 24 youths with 24 Portland artists to create original works of art adorning the Burnside Rocket Building at 1111 E Burnside St. Two new murals were created for Fresh Paint, the ongoing partnership between RACC and Open Signal: Portland Community Media Center. The mural Wanderlust, is by illustrator Anke Gladnick, whose artist team also included Maria Rodriguez and Victor Gómez, aka Bizar Gómez. Portland-based artist Munta Eric Mbungu Mpwo, an immigrant originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, created bboys make some noise. Munta Mpwo cites comic books, break-dancing, and hip hop as sources of inspiration. In addition, the Murals Program won a grant from Mural Arts Philadelphia to collaboratively produce an artist workshop focused on community involvement strategies. 
    • In East Portland, RACC and Portland Parks installed two new sculpture projects this fiscal year. Sustenance-Food, Water, Nature, Community by Christine Clark is at Glenhaven Park and Space Plants by Tyler Fuqua is at the new playground at Verdell Burdine Rutherford Park (formerly Lynchview Park).  In addition, as part of the Walker Stadium Expansion Project, Molly Mendoza painted an extensive mural on a new restroom facility in Lents Park.

    Artist Purchases & Commissions in 2020

    • Portable Works Purchases:
    • Katherine Ace
    • James Allen
    • Avantika Bawa
    • Sade DuBoise
    • Gabe Fernandez
    • Emma Gerigscott
    • Jo Hamilton
    • Sabina Haque
    • Hsin-Yi Huang
    • Ruth Lantz
    • Stuart Allen Levy
    • Akihiko Miyoshi
    • Michelle Muldrow
    • Loren Nelson
    • Rory Oneal
    • Haruka Ashida Ostley
    • Henk Pander
    • Judy Pfaff
    • Ralph Pugay
    • Rebecca Rodela
    • Ivonne Saed
    • Deb Stoner
    • Elena Thomas
    • Orquidia Violeta
    • Samantha Wall
    • Marie Watt
    • Permanently Sited Artworks:
    • Anthony Aguero
    • Refik Anadol
    • Natalie Ball
    • Lynn Basa
    • Addie Boswell
    • Michael Brophy
    • Adriene Cruz
    • Jeremy Okai Davis
    • Kayin Talton Davis
    • Shelby Davis
    • Baba Wagué Diakité
    • Robert Dozono
    • Christian Fazio
    • Tyler FuQua Creations
    • Liz Harris
    • Maria T.D. Inocencio
    • Yoshihiro Kitai
    • James Lavadour
    • Rob Lewis
    • Lillian Pitt
    • Brenda Mallory
    • Ryan Pierce
    • Greg Robinson
    • Crystal Schenk
    • Mark R. Smith
    • Adam Sorenson
    • Christian Tellez
    • Barbara Earl Thomas
    • Antwoine Thomas
    • Rubén Trejo
    • Toma Villa
    • Heather Watkins
    • Mural Artists:
    • Adam Ciresi
    • Danielle DeMuro
    • Andrew Merritt
    • Sasha Miljevich
    • Pace Taylor
    • Other artists under contract for commissioned work:
    • Intisar Abioto
    • Daniel Bluestein
    • Alex Chiu
    • Mehran Heard
    • Limei Lai
    • Molly Mendoza
    • Rodolfo Serna
    • Michael Stevenson
    • Hank Willis Thomas
    • Visual Chronicle of Portland:
    • Joe Cantrell
    • Yoonhee Choi
    • Lehuauakea Fernandez
    • Bobby Fouther
    • Elijah Hasan
    • Nick Mendez
    • Limei Lai
    • Munta Eric Mpwo
    • Onry
    • Dana Paresa
    • Hampton Rodriguez
    • Ameera Saahir
    • Kat Socorro
    • Sharita Towne
    • Tim Tran


    We are grateful to the individuals and organizations helping expand our impact.

    The Regional Arts & Culture Council is grateful for our community of supporters and partners who made fiscal year 2020 truly remarkable. During a year of incredible change both for the organization and the world, we were able to continue to serve artists and our community.

    Thank you for joining us in creating a better world for the arts!

    RACC’s 2019-20 Board of Directors

    • Linda McGeady, Chair
    • Angela Hult, Vice Chair
    • James Smith, Treasurer
    • Frances Portillo, Secretary
    • Raymond C. Cheung
    • Eve Connell
    • Katherine Durham
    • Debbie Glaze
    • Leslie Heilbrunn
    • Amy Kutzkey
    • Parker Lee
    • Octaviano Merecias-Cuevas
    • Eduardo Puelma
    • Alejandro Queral
    • Anita Yap

    Resource Council

    • Alan Alexander III
    • Pam Baker
    • Jesse Beason
    • Verlea Briggs
    • Claudia Burnett
    • Jennifer Cies
    • Jay Clemens
    • Eileen L. Day
    • George Forbes
    • Eric Friedenwald-Fishman
    • Gwyneth Gamble Booth
    • Kira Higgs
    • Phillip Hillaire
    • Eric Hormel
    • Commissioner Susheela Jayapal
    • Karen Karbo
    • Mike Lindberg
    • Gary R. Maffei
    • Mary Maletis
    • Peg Malloy
    • Julie Mancini
    • Brenda Meltebeke
    • Josie Mendoza
    • Cate Millar
    • Max M. Miller Jr.
    • Randy J. Miller
    • Carole Morse
    • Bonita Oswald
    • Robert G. Packard
    • Dorothy Piacentini
    • Bettsy Preble
    • Joanna Priestley
    • Jan Robertson
    • Steve Rosenbaum
    • Mary B. Ruble
    • Joan Eliot Sappington
    • Lina Garcia Seabold
    • Carol Smith
    • Yvonne Tengwall
    • Julie Vigeland
    • Clark Worth

     Government liaisons

    • Portland City Arts Commissioner Chloe Eudaly
    • Hannah Holloway, Office of Commissioner Eudaly
    • Giyen Kim, Shoshanah Oppenheim and Tom Rinehart, City of Portland Office of Management and Finance
    • Thomas Lannom, City of Portland Revenue Division
    • Irene Marion, City of Portland Bureau of Transportation 
    • Adena Long and Portland Parks & Recreation staff
    • Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal
    • Sara Ryan, Office of Commissioner Jayapal
    • Clackamas County Commissioner Martha Schrader
    • Clackamas County Arts Alliance board and staff
    • Washington County Commissioners Kathryn Harrington and Dick Schouten
    • Raziah Roushan and Ashley Baker, Tualatin Valley Creates
    • Michele McCall-Wallace, City of Hillsboro
    • Metro Councilor Christine Lewis

    Arts Impact Fund & RACC’s Workplace Giving Program
    In fiscal year 2020, RACC engaged with nearly 40 workplace giving campaigns statewide. Our business partners create opportunities for us to advocate for the arts and grow support for creative endeavors. Through the Arts Impact Fund, more than 80 local arts organizations increased capacity to serve their communities with top-notch creative expression and artistic engagement.

     Funding Partners & Sponsors (*participating Workplace Giving partners)

    • Architecture Building Culture
    • Blackmat Properties
    • Bluebird Guesthouse
    • Bora Architects*
    • Broadway Rose Theatre Company*
    • Bullivant Houser Bailey*
    • Cambia Health Solutions*
    • City of Lake Oswego*
    • City of Portland*
    • Clackamas County
    • First Interstate Bank
    • Fred Meyer Community Rewards
    • Holst Architecture*
    • Illuminated Mind, Inc.
    • Intel
    • James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation
    • Kaiser Permanente
    • KeyBank
    • Lane Powell*
    • Mahlum Architects*
    • McDonald Jacobs*
    • Metro*
    • Metropolitan Group*
    • MLC Engineering
    • Moda Health*
    • Modernist Financial*
    • Multnomah County*
    • National Endowment for the Arts
    • Niedermedia, LLC
    • Nike*
    • NW Natural*
    • Oregon Arts Commission
    • Oregon Ballet Theatre*
    • Oregon Cultural Trust
    • Oregon Health & Science University*
    • Perkins & Co*
    • Pop Art*
    • Port of Portland*
    • Portland Opera*
    • Portland Art Museum/NW Film Center*
    • Portland Center Stage*
    • Portland General Electric*
    • Portland Public Schools*
    • PosterGarden
    • Regional Arts & Culture Council Staff and Board*
    • Rose City Ballet School
    • SeaChange
    • SERA Architects*
    • State of Oregon Agencies & Universities*
    • Stoel Rives*
    • Studio 212 Interiors
    • Teresa Ruch Designs
    • The Portland Ballet*
    • The Standard*
    • Therapeutic Associates, Inc.
    • Tonkon Torp*
    • TriMet*
    • Umpqua Bank*
    • United Way of the Columbia-Willamette
    • United Way
    • US Bank
    • Washington County*
    • Young Audiences of Oregon*
    • ZGF Architects*

    Grant and public art review panel members
    Our diverse and inclusive grant and public art review panels ensure we bring equity to decision-making processes. Thank you to the artists, curators, community members, and public officials who work together with RACC to commission, select, and purchase new works from artists.

      Grants Panelists

      • Julian “Smuggles” Alexander
      • Candice Agahan
      • Jonas Angelet
      • John Atorino
      • Olivia Awbrey
      • Robin Bacior Emanuelson
      • Todd Baize
      • Kristi Balzer
      • Nico Bartulski
      • Orion Bradshaw
      • RaShaunda Brooks
      • Sage Brown
      • Kelly Campbell
      • Connie Carley
      • Kindra Crick
      • Martha Daghlian
      • Jessica Dart
      • Lucille Dawson
      • Helday de la Cruz
      • Brendan Deiz
      • jazzelle dodd
      • Kate Duffly
      • Emily Eisele
      • Gabriel Espinosa
      • Marcus Fischer
      • Tracy francis
      • Roberto Gonzalez
      • Jared Goodman
      • Cheryl Green
      • Cassie Greer
      • John Harrold
      • Amy Leona Havin
      • Angela Hult
      • Eien Hunter-Ishikawa
      • Maggie Irwin
      • Simeon Jacob
      • Katie Janovec
      • Raven Jones
      • Jacqueline Keeler
      • William Kendall
      • Shaun Keylock
      • Giyen Kim
      • Isaac Lamb
      • Katherine Lefever
      • Layna Lewis
      • Yuan-Chen Li
      • Willie Little
      • Katherine Longstreth
      • Sarah Marguier
      • Sommer Martin
      • Christine Matovich
      • Neil Mattson
      • Mark McCrary
      • Lorrie McCullough
      • Meara McLaughlin
      • Jessica Mehta
      • Christine Miller
      • Emily Miller
      • Matthew Minicucci
      • Howard Mitchell
      • Michael O’Neill
      • Lilian Ongelungel
      • Faye Pendergrass
      • Julie Perini
      • Sushmita Poddar
      • Ben Popp
      • Diana Ramos
      • Erika Rier
      • Kate Ristau
      • Morgan Ritter
      • Estela Robinson
      • Raziah Roushan
      • Darya Shleyeva
      • Lisha Shrestha
      • Ariana Simon
      • Yvonne Smoker
      • Amy Souza
      • Mandy Stigant
      • Shilpa Sunthankar
      • Mami Takahashi
      • Ann Takamoto
      • Jen Tate
      • Shelley Tate
      • Devin Tau
      • Jenny Thompson
      • Dorinda Toner
      • Kirista Trask
      • Maria Velez
      • Megan Vorster
      • Mike Vos
      • Shelby Walton-Clark
      • Mischa Webley
      • Beth Whelan
      • Tazha williams
      • Erin Yanke
      • Decimus Yarbrough
      • Lu Yim
      • Ken Yoshikawa
      • Nicole Zdeb

      Public Art Panelists and Volunteers

      • Portland Building Renovation Panel:
      • Yoonhee Choi
      • Nan Curtis
      • Ivy Dunlap
      • Grace Kook-Anderson
      • Michelle Ladd
      • Linda McGeady
      • Michael Reed
      • Carla Weinheimer
      • Parks Bond Panel:
      • Gary Datka
      • Brian Flores
      • Wendy Given
      • Arlene Kimura
      • Kurt Lango
      • Chelsea McCann
      • Azad Sadjadi
      • 10th & Yamhill Parking Garage Panel: (project on hold)
      • Chris Armes
      • Patricia Gardner
      • Damien Gilley
      • Garrick Imatani
      • Amy Nagy
      • Wendy Red Star
      • Edward Running
      • Richard Singer
      • Vanessa Sturgeon
      • Fresh Paint 2018 – 2020 Panel:
      • Alex Chiu
      • Rob Lewis
      • Molly Mendoza
      • City of Portland Archives & Records Center Artist-in-Residence Panel:
      • Luann Algoso
      • Diana Banning
      • Pollyanne F. Birge
      • Amisa Chui
      • Mary Hansen
      • Garrick Imatani
      • Humboldt Neighborhood Artist-in-Residence Panel:
      • Isa Dean
      • Anne Greenwood
      • Sandy Sampson
      • Donovan Smith
      • Clifford Walker
      • Tyler White
      • Multnomah County Central Courthouse Panel:
      • Cheryl Albrecht
      • Christine Bourdette
      • Nathan Orosco
      • Emily Seltzer
      • Steve Simpson
      • Rebecca Staven
      • Sharita Towne
      • David Wark
      • Public Art Murals Committee:
      • Bridgid Blackburn
      • Mehran “Eatcho” Heard
      • Candace Kita
      • Jason Powers
      • Tomás Alfredo Valladares
      • Public Art Committee:
      • Jiseon Lee Isbara
      • Matthew Juniper
      • Candace Kita
      • Mack McFarland
      • Linda McGeady
      • Zari Santner
      • Multnomah County Health Headquarters Panel:
      • Maria Lisa Johnson
      • Jodie Cavalier
      • Som Sudedi
      • Jennifer Moore
      • Matthew Juniper
      • Brett Taute (non-voting)

        We couldn’t do our work without partnership and support.

        Memberships and Affiliations

        • Americans for the Arts
        • Cascade Employers Association
        • City Club of Portland
        • Clackamas County Arts Alliance
        • Cultural Advocacy Coalition
        • East Portland Chamber of Commerce
        • Grantmakers in the Arts
        • Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington
        • Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
        • Nonprofit Association of Oregon
        • Oregon Native American Chamber
        • Partners in Diversity
        • Portland Business Alliance
        • Portland Human Resources Management Association
        • Society for Human Resource Management
        • The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts/Partners in Education and Any Given Child
        • Travel Portland
        • Tualatin Valley Creates Affiliate
        • Willamette Valley Development Officers
        • Cascade Employers Association 

        We also wish to thank…

        • Intisar Abioto
        • Shauna Adams
        • Bruce Poinsette 
        • Roya Amirsoleymani
        • Celeste Noche
        • Paul Susi
        • Valerie Adell
        • Roshani Thakore
        • Maya Vivas
        • V. Maldonado
        • Subashini Ganesan
        • Canopy Hotel
        • Davis Wright Tremaine LLP: Anne Barragar and Gregory Chaimov
        • Gary McGee & Co.: Gary McGee and Yee Lee McGee
        • King School Museum of Contemporary Art
        • Thomas Lauderdale and Hunter Noack
        • Louiza
        • Misty Marquam, Marquam Auction Agency
        • New Expressive Works
        • Northwest Investment Counselors: Mark Scarlett, Alex Dolle, Michelle Garcia
        • Poison Waters
        • Portland Center Stage at the Armory
        • Portland Institute of Contemporary Art
        • Portland Opera
        • Portland State University’s Native American Student and Community Center
        • Serilda Summers-McGee, Workplace Change
        • George Thorn
        • Urban Renaissance Group: Tom Kilbane, Travis Drilling, Krista Bailey, Hilary Alter
        • Unite Oregon
        • David Wynde


        Regional Arts & Culture Council

        411 NW Park Avenue, Suite 101
        Portland, Oregon 97209


        Thank you for supporting the ongoing work of the Regional Arts & Culture Council. RACC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all contributions to RACC are tax-deductible. Our tax ID number is 93-1059037.

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