
Our role at the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) is to harness everyone’s creative energy and build a fully accessible, culturally diverse and financially sustainable arts community that serves everyone in the Portland metropolitan region and the many visitors who join us each year.

This Year in Review communication is our opportunity to reflect on some of the successes that we achieved together in pursuit of this goal. We hope you will be as proud as we are of what has been accomplished over the past twelve months. Reading on through this annual report you will find ample information from our various programs, but we are happy to share here some of the high points.

2016 was the 10th anniversary year of Work for Art, our workplace giving program that financially supports arts organizations and engages public and private employees as donors, advocates and participants in a wide range of arts opportunities. We set a stretch goal of $1 million and almost made it raising over $912,000—a record sum to be sure. We are hopeful that this sizable increase will be sustainable going forward, thanks to our annual “Battle of the Bands” event and growing workplace campaigns.

This is all part of our effort to expand the way we collaborate with the private sector for a stronger community. RACC’s new Business Committee for the Arts and a new business partnership manager on staff are helping us imagine new ways to bring arts and businesses together with a goal of stimulating employee creativity, fueling innovation in our companies, and helping local artists and arts organizations thrive.

We continue to make strides in our equity and inclusion work—a thread that runs through all of our programs in an effort to provide access to the arts for everyone. We constantly hone our public engagement in grant making, public art stewardship, arts education, board and staff recruitment, technical assistance of all kinds, and communications. We have a long way to go and our commitment is steadfast.

Full realization of the Arts Education & Access Fund, or Arts Tax, is still elusive but improving and we are launching new advocacy efforts to tell the tax’s success stories. You will hear much more about this is 2017.

We hope you enjoy reading the whole story and that you will continue to be our friends and allies as we strive and thrive together.


Mike Golub, Board Chair

Eloise Damrosch, Executive Director


Photo by Intisar Abioto



About Racc

Our vision:

An environment where arts and culture flourish and prosper.

Our mission:

To enrich our communities through arts and culture.

Our values:

  • We value freedom of artistic and cultural expression as a
    fundamental human right.
  • We value a diversity of artistic and cultural experiences.
  • We value a community in which everyone can participate in arts and culture.
  • We value a community that celebrates and supports its artists, and its arts and cultural organizations.
  • We value arts and culture as key elements in creating desirable places to live, work and visit.

RACC’s Equity Statement

We believe that the arts have the power to change hearts and minds, and to inspire social change. Prejudice and privilege have created barriers that RACC must dismantle, systematically and strategically, until everyone in our community has equitable access to arts and culture.

We acknowledge that there is no one perfect way to achieve equity, but we are willing to take risks because there is much work to do. We are thoughtfully researching and implementing new methods of thinking within our organizational culture, starting with an in-depth assessment of our services, policies and procedures. We are seeking out and listening to voices that have not been heard and fully engaging under-represented populations in dialogue that will help us improve.

We are committed to the full scope of this work and will hold ourselves accountable along the way—anything less would prove a disservice to ourselves and the communities we serve. RACC strives to be an organization that values and celebrates everyone’s life experiences, their voices and their histories. By consistently bringing new perspectives to our decision-making table, forming new relationships and alliances, and finding new ways to support creativity, RACC will be a strong, equitable and relevant organization. Throughout this process, we commit to humility, optimism and respect.

Investing in Equity

In 2016, RACC expanded its connections with communities of color and other under-represented populations. We unveiled a new Arts Equity Grant program in the spring, conducted a series of focus groups to learn more about the barriers that prevent some residents from accessing RACC and other arts services in the region, and hired Resolutions NW to help facilitate RACC’s equity committee and develop a new action plan next year.

In the fall of 2016, RACC announced that it would start setting aside more Arts Tax revenue to help build the capacity of culturally specific arts organizations regardless of size, and to fund other equity initiatives within the arts community starting next year. This winter RACC made additional investments and facilitated connections to ensure that more than 2,200 area residents — including students, elected officials, clergy and police officers — could attend and discuss free performances of “Hands Up.” Presented by the August Wilson Red Door Project, this powerful series of seven monologues was written as a response to the police shootings of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, John Crawford III in Beavercreek, Ohio, and others.

RACC Leadership

RACC is governed by a diverse board of directors. They bring valuable experiences and insights, and help connect RACC to public, private and nonprofit partners in the region.

Board of Directors

  • Mike Golub, Chair
  • Phillip Hillaire, Vice Chair
  • Eileen L. Day, Treasurer
  • Steve Rosenbaum, Secretary
  • Jan Robertson, Chair Emeritus
  • Nik Blosser
  • Verlea G. Briggs
  • Raymond C. Cheung, CPA
  • Lew Frederick
  • Debbie Glaze
  • Osvaldo ‘Ozzie’ Gonzalez
  • Angela Hult
  • Dana Ingram
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Parker A. Lee
  • Linda McGeady
  • Brenda L. Meltebeke
  • Anita Menon
  • Mitchell Nieman
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Shyla M. Spicer
  • Anita Yap

In 2016 we said farewell to five wonderful board members, including Katy Brooks, Robert Bucker, Eric Hormel and Dave Lofland. A few months after his board term expired in June, our dear friend Joe Krumm passed away. Joe was the director of communications for the North Clackamas School District, a passionate arts supporter, a skilled facilitator and an invaluable member of our Equity Committee. We are grateful for all that Joe contributed to RACC and to the community. He is missed!

Mike Golub was elected board chair in June, with Phillip Hillaire serving as vice chair. RACC’s treasurer is Eileen Day, and our secretary is Steve Rosenbaum. Jan Robertson currently serves as RACC’s chair emeritus.

Four extraordinary individuals joined the RACC board in 2016. Welcome Parker Lee, Anita Menon, Mitchell Nieman and Anita Yap!

Many former board members and other community leaders continue to provide assistance and counsel through RACC’s Resource Council.

Resource Council

  • Alan Alexander III
  • Pam Baker
  • Jesse Beason
  • Ernie Bloch II
  • Claudia Burnett
  • Jennifer Cies
  • Jay Clemens
  • Eric Friedenwald-Fishman
  • George Forbes
  • Gwyneth Gamble Booth
  • Lina Garcia Seabold
  • Kira Higgs
  • Karen Karbo
  • Mike Lindberg
  • Gary Maffei
  • Mary Maletis
  • Julie Mancini
  • Josie Mendoza
  • Cate Millar
  • Randy J. Miller
  • Max Miller, Jr.
  • Carole Morse
  • Bonita Oswald
  • Dorothy Piacentini
  • Bettsy Preble
  • Mary Ruble
  • Joan E. Sappington
  • Carol Smith, Ed.D.
  • Craig Thompson
  • Julie Vigeland
  • Clark Worth

RACC appreciates the talent and dedication of its employees who oversee a variety of programs that add measurable value to our communities. We value a diverse workforce, built upon inclusion, equity and cultural agility.


  • Eloise Damrosch, Executive Director
  • Pricilla Cheung, Executive Assistant
  • Cynthia Knapp, Director of Operations
  • Jennifer Matsumura, Finance & HR Specialist
  • Carla Holmberg, Bookkeeper
  • Ahmed Yusuf, Office Manager
  • Einar Sunde II, Database Administrator
  • Jeff Hawthorne, Director of Community Engagement
  • Alison Bailey, Business Partnership Manager
  • Chad Hadsell, Work for Art Donor Data & Technology Specialist
  • Windy Hovey, Work for Art Workplace Giving Coordinator
  • Matthew Carron, Work for Art Workplace Giving Coordinator
  • Ella Marra-Ketelaar, Work for Art On-Call Campaign Assistant
  • Sara Farrokhzadian, Work for Art Donor Data Clerk
  • Marna Stalcup, Director of Arts Education
  • Maya McFaddin, Arts Education Community Engagement Associate
  • Phoebe Ebright, The Right Brain Initiative Development Manager
  • Sinéad Kimbrell, The Right Brain Initiative Program Manager
  • Sarah Deal, The Right Brain Initiative Administrative Assistant
  • Kate Fagerholm, The Right Brain Initiative Development Assistant
  • Mary Bauer, Communications Associate
  • Tonisha Toler, Community Liaison
  • Helen Daltoso, Grants Officer
  • Ingrid Carlson, Grants Officer
  • Jack MacNichol, Grants Associate
  • Kristin Calhoun, Public Art Manager
  • Peggy Kendellen, Public Art Manager
  • Keith Lachowicz, Public Art Collections Manager
  • William Rihel, Public Art Program Specialist
  • Danielle Davis, Public Art Collections Registrar
  • Amanda Kronlage, Public Art Conservation Technician
  • Salvador Mayoral IV, Public Art Program Assistant

We’ve welcomed several talented individuals to our staff this year, including Alison Bailey, Business Partnership Manager; Sarah Deal, The Right Brain Initiative Administrative Assistant; Kate Fagerholm, The Right Brain Initiative Development Assistant; Amanda Kronlage, Public Art Conservation Technician; and Ella Marra-Ketelaar, Work for Art On-Call Campaign Assistant

We’d like to thank the employees who left RACC in 2016 but contributed volumes while they were with us, including Rebecca Burrell, Helen Carlton, Kathryn Jackson, Rainen Knecht, André Middleton, Manny Orozco, Phoebe Southwood and Chris Tew.


2016 Audited Financial Statements

RACC’s financial position remains strong. The City of Portland continues to be RACC’s largest funding source, including general fund investments of $3.77 million, and Arts Tax revenues of $2.15 million. The city also contributed more than half a million dollars last year for the creation and maintenance of public art through the city’s Percent-for-Art ordinance, and $200,000 from the city’s Business License Fees to support the Work for Art matching challenge fund.

Other public funding sources include Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties; Metro; the Oregon Arts Commission; the Oregon Cultural Trust; and the National Endowment for the Arts. RACC leveraged those funds with $580,000 in earned income and more than $1.18 million in contributions from businesses, foundations and individuals.

Public support $7,708,3831 81.4%
Private sector contributions $1,180,792 12.5%
Earned income $579,977 6.1%
Total Revenue $9,469,600 100.0%

* Includes $200,000 pass-through funds to the Oregon Symphony for The Concert in Waterfront Park
** Includes $20,000 pass-through funds to Clackamas County Arts Action Alliance
*** Includes $118,514 pass-through funds for the County Cultural Coalitions

Advocacy $516,813 5.4%
Grants* $4,896,885 50.8%
Public Art $1,079,245 11.2%
Community Services** $664,568 6.9%
Arts Education $1,198,245 12.4%
Fundraising $97,569 1.0%
Management & General $1,178,892 12.2%
Total expenses $9,632,217 100.0%
Increase in Net Assets ($169,617)
Net assets at beginning of year $2,913,654
Net assets at end of year $2,751,042

* Includes $189,343 WFA Donor Designated funds to Arts Organizations
** Includes $138,514 pass-through funds to the Multnomah County Cultural Coalition, Cultural Coalition of Washington County, and Clackamas County Arts Action Alliance

Accomplishments: Grants

In Accomplishments

Complete List of All Grants Awarded

RACC awarded just over $3.9 million in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2016. A total of 129 organizations and 136 individual artists received funding from our five grant programs this past year.

In May 2016 RACC awarded its first Arts Equity Grants. These new grants, funded by the City of Portland’s Arts Tax and by Multnomah County, represent an evolution of the Expanding Cultural Access grants that RACC administered from 2013 to 2015. RACC received Letters of Interest from 90 community organizations and invited 30 of those organizations to submit full proposals. A total of $119,380 was awarded to 19 organizations for projects occurring in FY2016-17.

List of Arts Equity Grants

  • Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
  • Association of Russian-Speaking Compatriots United States
  • Community Vision, Inc.
  • Division Midway Alliance for Community Improvement
  • East County PFLAG
  • East Portland Neighbors
  • FusionArte
  • The Geezer Gallery
  • The Giving Tree
  • Hacienda CDC
  • Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization
  • Instituto de Cultura y Arte In Xochitl In Cuicatl
  • Kúkátónón Children’s African Dance Troupe
  • Latino Art NOW Collective
  • LAX IdeAL
  • Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon
  • Morpheus Youth Project
  • My Voice Music
  • National Indian Parent Information Center
  • Right 2 Survive
  • Wisdom of the Elders

RACC received 358 applications for Project Grants in August. In October and November 43 artists, arts administrators and other community volunteers served on grant panels—91% of them for the first time—to discuss and evaluate the applications. A total of $665,595 was awarded in December, for 131 different projects that will take place in 2017.

List of Project Grants

  • Project Grants for Individuals:
  • Manuel Abreu
  • Oluyinka Akinjiola
  • Alan Alexander III
  • Yulia Arakelyan
  • Sue Arbuthnot
  • Emily Bixler
  • Sundance Bleckinger
  • Irena Boboia
  • Wayne Bund
  • David Ornette Cherry
  • Robin Chilstrom
  • Adam Ciresi
  • Jeremy Davis
  • Jay Derderian
  • Suniti Dernovsek
  • Daniel Diana-Peebles
  • Noah Dunham
  • Brenan Dwyer
  • Wynde Dyer
  • Raquel Edwards
  • Taylor Eggan
  • Nancy Ellis
  • Tiffany Ellis
  • Ashleigh Flynn
  • Mitchell Freifeld
  • Anne Galisky
  • Zoe Gieringer
  • Chiara Giovando
  • Joseph Glode
  • Lucas Gray
  • Jen Harrison
  • Erinn Kathryn Hatter
  • Kazumi Heshiki
  • Laura Hughes
  • Carol Imani
  • Nancy Ives
  • Sean Johnson
  • Dawn Jones Redstone
  • Yukiyo Kawano
  • Christopher Kirkley
  • Isaac Lamb
  • Kathleen Lane
  • Horatio Law
  • Katherine Lewis
  • Fuchsia Lin
  • Laura Lo Forti
  • Sarah Loose
  • Jonathan Marrs
  • Cambria Matlow
  • Matt McCormick
  • Jesse Mejia
  • Pamela Minty
  • Lauren Moran
  • Dustin Morrow
  • Donal Mosher
  • Travis Neel
  • Tabitha Nikolai
  • Eric Nordstrom
  • Tom Olsen
  • Ann Marie O’Malley
  • Rachel O’Rourke
  • Michael Palmieri
  • Brian Parham
  • Carolina Pfister
  • Reid Psaltis
  • Sarah Rabeda
  • Alicia Rabins
  • Bonnie Ratner
  • Denver David Robinson
  • Danielle Ross
  • Jeremy Rotsztain
  • Nora Ryan
  • Annette Sabater
  • Molly Schaeffer
  • Cameron Schneider
  • Lisa Schonberg
  • Anna Sell
  • Kate Simmons
  • Garrett Sluski
  • Susan Smith
  • Jack StockLynn
  • Andrea Stolowitz
  • Dao Strom
  • Sharita Towne
  • Matthew Vuksinich
  • Holcombe Waller
  • Mel Wells
  • Lisa Wilcke
  • Emily Wobb
  • Jenn Woodward
  • Mike Yager
  • Lu Yim
  • Project Grants for Organizations:
  • 45th Parallel
  • Action/Adventure Theatre
  • A-WOL Dance Collective
  • Be Space
  • Big Horn Brass
  • Black Women for Peace
  • Boom Arts
  • Caldera
  • Centro Cultural of Washington County
  • Circus Cascadia
  • Classical Up Close
  • Clinton Street Theater
  • Color Outside the Lines
  • Disability Art and Culture Project
  • en Taiko
  • Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art
  • Know Your City
  • Lan Su Chinese Garden
  • Latino Network
  • Live On Stage
  • MediaRites
  • NAACP Portland Branch 1120B
  • New Expressive Works
  • Newspace Center for Photography
  • Nordic Northwest
  • Northwest Animation Festival
  • Obo Addy Legacy Project
  • Oregon BRAVO Youth Orchestras
  • Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
  • Pacific Northwest College of Art
  • Portland Community College
  • Portland Community Media
  • Portland Japanese Garden
  • Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center
  • Portland Oregon Women’s Film Festival
  • Portland SummerFest
  • Portland Zine Symposium
  • Q Center
  • QDoc
  • Resonate Choral Arts
  • Risk-Reward
  • Rogue Pack
  • S1 Synth Library
  • Shingon PDX Henjyoji
  • SoulPatch Music Productions
  • Sowelu Theater
  • Staged!
  • The Stumptown Improv Festival
  • The Vanport Mosaic
  • Washington County Cooperative Library Services
  • World Stage Theatre

Vanessa Renwick and Brian Lindstrom were the recipients of RACC’s 2016 Fellowship, this year focused on the Media Arts. Each received $20,000 in recognition of their artistic excellence and their contributions to the region. Meet Vanessa and Brian

RACC awarded just over $3 million in General Operating Support to 46 organizations based in the City of Portland. Of these funds, 38% came from the City of Portland general fund, 60% from the City of Portland’s Arts Tax, and 2% from Multnomah County. RACC also awarded General Operating Support (without Arts Tax funding) to three organizations in Clackamas and Washington Counties, funded by those counties.

List of General Operating Support grants

  • Artist Repertory Theatre
  • Bag & Baggage Productions
  • Blue Sky
  • BodyVox
  • Broadway Rose Theatre Company
  • Cappella Romana
  • Chamber Music Northwest
  • Children’s Healing Art Project
  • The Circus Project
  • Disjecta Contemporary Art Center
  • Echo Theater Company
  • Ethos Music Center
  • Friends of Chamber Music
  • Hand2Mouth
  • Hollywood Theatre
  • Imago Theatre
  • Independent Publishing Resource Center
  • Lakewood Center for the Arts
  • Literary Arts
  • Live Wire! Radio
  • Metropolitan Youth Symphony
  • Miracle Theatre Group
  • My Voice Music
  • Northwest Children’s Theatre
  • Northwest Dance Project
  • NW Documentary Arts & Media
  • Oregon Ballet Theatre
  • Oregon Children’s Theatre
  • Oregon Symphony Association
  • PDX Jazz
  • Pendulum Aerial Arts
  • Playwrite
  • Portland Art Museum/Northwest Film Center
  • The Portland Ballet
  • Portland Baroque Orchestra
  • Portland Center Stage
  • Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra
  • Portland Gay Men’s Chorus
  • Portland Institute for Contemporary Art
  • Portland Opera
  • Portland Piano International
  • Portland Playhouse
  • Portland Taiko
  • Portland Youth Philharmonic
  • Profile Theatre
  • Third Angle New Music
  • Third Rail Repertory Theatre
  • Triangle Productions
  • White Bird
  • Write Around Portland
  • Young Audiences of Oregon

Three organizations received General Operating Support from RACC for the first time: The Circus Project, My Voice Music and Portland Playhouse.

Accomplishments: Community Services

In Accomplishments

Through our website (racc.org), social media channels (especially Facebook and Twitter), and newsletters (both printed and electronic), RACC distributes valuable and relevant content for the local creative community. RACC also provides technical assistance for artists and arts organizations.

RACC’s Cultural Leadership Program, which helps staff and board leadership of arts organizations navigate transitions and opportunities, served 18 arts organizations in 2016. At the center of this work is renowned arts consultant George Thorn, who received the “Light A Fire” lifetime achievement award from Portland Monthly magazine in October.

RACC’s board training program, Art of Leadership, was successfully adopted from Northwest Business for Culture and the Arts (NWBCA) in 2015, and 38 individuals graduated from the program in April 2016. The 2016-17 cohort began in October with 29 members.

RACC presented 11 professional development workshops for individual artists in 2016, serving more than 250 individuals and covering topics from grant writing to contract issues to a forum for Portland’s independent music community. One workshop entitled “Off the Drawing Board: artists working with fabricators” at Disjecta Community Art Center connected 40 artists and makers with 10 regional fabricators who have the capacity and experience to turn artists’ visions into reality.

More than 200 people attended Arts Spark in 2016, a series of artist networking events held at Solae’s Lounge in NE Portland, Portland Mercado in SE Portland, and Signal Station in St. Johns.

Accomplishments: Arts Education

In Accomplishments

RACC’s arts integration program, The Right Brain Initiative, continues to grow and deepen its program across seven school districts in three counties. Meanwhile, RACC’s expanded arts education department, funded in part by the Arts Tax, now lends support to 91 art, music, dance, and theater teachers in every elementary school in the City of Portland.

The Right Brain Initiative grew, and is now weaving creativity into the classrooms of 27,500 students (51% of whom qualify for free or reduced lunch) and their 1,900 teachers in 68 schools across the Portland metro area. Our new video, “The Right Brain Effect” shows how Right Brain is making a difference for seventh and eighth graders at Beach School. 

List of Right Brain schools

  • Corbett School District:
  • Corbett Arts Program with Spanish
  • Corbett Elementary
  • Gresham-Barlow School District:
  • Deep Creek-Damascus School
  • East Gresham School
  • East Orient Elementary School
  • Hall Elementary School
  • Highland Elementary School
  • Hogan Cedars Elementary
  • Hollydale Elementary
  • Kelly Creek Elementary
  • North Gresham Elementary
  • Powell Valley Elementary
  • West Gresham Elementary
  • Hillsboro School District:
  • Butternut Creek Elementary
  • Eastwood Elementary
  • Evergreen Middle
  • Free Orchards Elementary
  • Groner K-8
  • Imlay Elementary
  • Indian Hills Elementary
  • Jackson Elementary
  • Lenox Elementary
  • Lincoln Street Elementary
  • Minter Bridge Elementary
  • North Plains Elementary
  • Quatama Elementary
  • West Union Elementary
  • W. L. Henry Elementary
  • J. W. Poynter Middle
  • North Clackamas School District:
  • Ardenwald Elementary
  • Bilquist Elementary
  • Verne A. Duncan Elementary
  • Happy Valley Elementary
  • Kelso Elementary
  • Linwood Elementary
  • Milwaukie/El Puente Elementary
  • Riverside Elementary
  • Scouters Mountain Elementary
  • Spring Mountain Elementary
  • Sunnyside Elementary
  • View Acres Elementary
  • Welches Elementary
  • Oregon Trail School District:
  • Naas Elementary
  • Oregon Trail Elementary
  • Oregon Trail Primary Academy
  • Portland Public Schools:
  • Abernethy Elementary
  • Beach Elementary
  • Boise-Eliot/Humboldt
  • Chief Joseph Elementary
  • Faubion PK-8
  • Hayhurst/Odyssey K-8
  • Maplewood Elementary
  • Markham Elementary
  • Martin Luther King PK-8
  • Meriwether Lewis Elementary
  • Metropolitan Learning Center
  • Ockley Green Middle
  • Rieke Elementary
  • Rigler Elementary
  • Roseway Heights
  • Sitton Elementary
  • Vernon Elementary
  • Vestal K-8
  • Whitman Elementary
  • Woodlawn PK-8
  • Reynolds School District:
  • Alder Elementary
  • Troutdale Elementary
  • Funded by Oregon Department of Education:
  • The Ivy School

Right Brain received a $30,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for the 2016-17 school year, marking the fifth consecutive year of NEA funding. Jane Chu, Chairman of the NEA, and Oregon Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici saw Right Brain programming and STEAM education in action at Quatama Elementary in the Hillsboro School District.

Seventy educators participated in hands-on learning at RACC’s three-day Imagine This! Creativity Symposium for Educators in June 2016.

As part of its arts education coordination role for the Arts Tax, RACC offered professional development workshops for music and arts teachers hired through the Arts Tax. In this training, arts teachers learned how the arts link to Common Core State Standards and the importance of their role as instructional leaders in their schools. RACC continues to organize and convene conversations with local arts organizations, taking deep dives into the equity and inclusion work in their education programming.

Accomplishments: Advocacy & Development

In Accomplishments

Annual Report: Work for Art workforart.org

Work for Art celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2016 and raised a record sum for local arts organizations through workplace giving, special events and other efforts. RACC is also working to illuminate the extraordinary impacts of the City of Portland’s voter-approved Arts Tax, and continues to develop strategies for increased public funding in the region.

The 2015-16 Work for Art campaign owes much of its success to the leadership of co-chairs Mike Golub, president of business at the Portland Timbers, and Dave Lofland, former regional president of KeyBank. With their leadership, the Work for Art campaign saw a 20% increase, raising a total $912,213.

In August, Work for Art presented an award to Burgerville for the highest employee participation, and for the fifth year in a row, Portland General Electric and its employees were recognized for raising the most money out of all Work for Art campaigns.

Work for Art’s 10th anniversary campaign also saw a break-out performance of Battle of the Bands in May. The inaugural event, where employee bands compete in front of a panel of celebrity judges, raised more than $70,000 for Work for Art. ZGF Architects, Kaiser Permanente and The Standard took top honors.

Work for Art brings artists into workplaces, reaching nearly 10,000 employees in the region as part of their employee giving campaigns.

List of Artists in the Workplace

  • Adlai Alexander
  • Alessandro Angelini
  • Israel Annoh
  • Bill Athens
  • Dan Balmer
  • Sara Beukers
  • Shawn Brannan
  • Beau Brousseau
  • Christopher Brown
  • Gerardo Calderon
  • Merideth Kaye Clark
  • Christopher Creath
  • Willow D’Arcy Harmer
  • Terra DeHart
  • Damian Erskine
  • Liz Eslinger
  • Manavihare Fiaindratovo
  • Future Historians (Charley Adams, Michael Doherty, Rob Iggulden, David Shur)
  • Uri Frazier
  • Matthew Gailey (PHAME)
  • Greg Goebel
  • Bernardo Gomez
  • Ruth Gourdine
  • Ward Griffiths
  • Barna Howard
  • Sam Howard
  • Jon Hughes
  • Nathaniel Hulskamp
  • Carlton Jackson
  • Nancy Judd
  • Elizabeth Kanning
  • Justin L’Amie
  • Robin Lane
  • Mei Li
  • Caton Lyles
  • Ronnell Aguilera Marcos
  • Reece Marshburn
  • Sean McGrath
  • John Nastos
  • Michael O’Neill
  • Diego Orlando
  • Eddie Parente
  • Domeka Parker
  • Anne-Marie Plass (PHAME)
  • Randy Porter
  • Nelda Reyes
  • Andre St. James
  • Nelson Salazar
  • Daniel Salinas
  • Matt Schlosky
  • LaRhonda Steele
  • Jack Stocklin
  • Dylan Sundstrom
  • Lisa Sundstrom
  • Rhys Thomas
  • Mike Van Liew
  • Art Viloria
  • Brittany Walsh
  • The Weather Machine (Matt Catmill, Luke Hoffman, Colin Robson, Slater Smith, Andre Zapata)
  • Madison Weiss

In February, RACC re-launched the Arts Breakfast of Champions, an event started in 1995 by NWBCA as an annual celebration of corporate philanthropy and partnership. Among this year’s honorees: The Standard, U.S. Bank, Portland General Electric, Umpqua Bank, Wells Fargo, The Boeing Company, Vulcan Inc., Nordstrom, Chipotle Mexican Grill, KeyBank, First Tech Federal Credit Union, Wieden+Kennedy, Nike, Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission and Stoel Rives. RACC presented an “Inspirational Creative Partnership” award to Umpqua Bank and Portland Center Stage; and recognized “Small Business Champion” Bill Dickey, owner of Morel Ink. Greg Ness, CEO of The Standard, received the The John C. Hampton Award for Outstanding Leadership in the Arts. RACC also saluted Oregon Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici for her support of arts education at the federal level.

In October, Portland was recognized as an Arts & Sciences City of Distinction by Phi Beta Kappa. Eloise Damrosch accepted the award on behalf of the city, and The Right Brain Initiative was among four local organizations that received a $5,000 cash grant in recognition of Portland’s work at the intersection of arts and sciences.

Accomplishments: Public Art

In Accomplishments

Public Art Search More Information

Public art provides a platform for communities to have a voice. RACC engages the public through programming artist residencies, temporary art projects, murals and workshops that encourage active participation and building relationships. In addition to permanent site-specific works, these experiential-based projects produce meaningful connections between artists and communities.

Paint Outside the Lines is an international street art campaign coordinated by aptART and funded in part by RACC to address the rise of opposition to refugees, racial tensions, lack of housing, and Islamophobia. As part of the nonprofit’s first outreach effort in a U.S. city, artists Kevin Ledo and Ernesto Maranje each painted murals at two different sites in Portland while engaging and working with youth from P:ear and IRCO’s RISE (Refugee & Immigrant Student Empowerment) at David Douglas High School.

The City of Portland and Multnomah County public art collections continue to grow, and maintenance and conservation of these unique artworks is essential. Maintenance highlights in 2016 included re-gilding the mini bike atop the People’s Bike Library of Portland (a.k.a. “The Zoobomb Sculpture”) at the corner of W Burnside and 13th, re-programming the LED lights of the Nepenthes sculptures along NW Davis, and cleaning and waxing the Elk statue atop the fountain in the middle of SW Main.

Now in its 22nd year, the Portland Building Installation Space featured another diverse and thoughtful group of artists presenting site-specific 3-D work in a 13’ x 7’ exhibition space adjacent to the building’s lobby. In 2017 the Portland Building will begin its long-awaited renovation, and the Installation Space will hibernate until that construction is complete…unless RACC staff and city officials can secure a temporary location for this popular exhibition series.

Sabina Haque, artist-in-residence with the Portland Archives & Records Center (PARC), has created a multi-media art exhibit: exploring the tumultuous and fraught process of annexation and growth as experienced by disparate communities east of 82nd Ave over the last 100 years. “Annexation & Assimilation along 82nd Ave.” is the second in a series of public art residencies funded by the City of Portland Percent for Art Program administered by RACC.

Artist Nick Goettling worked with students from Epic Youth and Free Arts NW as well as the Powellhurst Gilbert Neighborhood community to create two murals on retaining walls at SE 136th and SE Mitchell. Based on his research of the area and inspired by the youth who assisted with painting, one 125-foot-long wall features a montage of people representing the neighborhood.

List of all artist purchases and commissions in 2016

  • Artists purchased for Visual Chronicle:
  • Bobby Abrahamson
  • Holly Andres
  • Heather Birdsong
  • Alison Foshee
  • Joseph Glode
  • Bryan David Griffith
  • Kristin Kohl
  • Eva Lake
  • Christopher Mooney
  • Stephen Slappe
  • Mami Takahashi
  • Portland Building Installation Space Artists:
  • Benz and Chang
  • Tyler Corbett & Erin Kathryn
  • Bukola Koiki
  • Alex Luboff
  • Kanani Miyamoto
  • Jenna Reineking
  • Yelena Roslaya
  • Unidos Latinos Americanos
  • Larry Yes
  • Mural Artists:
  • Nina Chanel Abney
  • Molly Bounds
  • Mona Caron
  • Adam Friedman
  • Alex Gardner
  • Jesse Hazelip
  • Thomas Jackson
  • Kevin Ledo
  • David Carmack Lewis
  • Ernesto Maranje
  • Maxwell McMaster
  • Peach Momoko
  • Rachel Oleson & Pablo Solares
  • Rather Severe
  • David Rice
  • Whole9
  • Zach Yarrington
  • Yoshi 47
  • Public Outreach Tours:
  • Elijah Hasan
  • Garrick Imatani
  • Maria Inocencio
  • Tamara Lynne
  • Lillian Pitt
  • Kaia Sand
  • Artists Commissioned:
  • Nick Goettling
  • Sabina Haque
  • Mehran “Eat cho” Heard
  • Horatio Law
  • Arvie Smith
  • Artists Purchased:
  • Eliza Rosanna Barchus
  • Mary Henry


We wish to thank the individuals and organizations who contributed to RACC’s success and helped us expand our impact in 2016:

RACC’s Board of Directors and governing committees

  • Board of Directors:
  • Mike Golub, Chair*
  • Phillip Hillaire, Vice Chair*
  • Eileen L. Day, Treasurer*
  • Steve Rosenbaum, Secretary*
  • Jan Robertson, Chair Emeritus*
  • Nik Blosser
  • Verlea G. Briggs*
  • Raymond C. Cheung, CPA
  • Lew Frederick
  • Debbie Glaze
  • Osvaldo ‘Ozzie’ Gonzalez
  • Angela Hult
  • Dana Ingram
  • Susheela Jayapal*
  • Parker A. Lee
  • Linda McGeady*
  • Brenda L. Meltebeke
  • Anita Menon
  • Mitchell Nieman
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Shyla M. Spicer
  • Anita Yap
  • *denotes members of the Executive Committee
  • Arts Education Committee:
  • Kregg Arntson
  • Lew Frederick
  • Nike Green
  • Chisao Hata
  • Denis Hickey
  • Max Miller
  • Jan Robertson
  • Chris Russo
  • Carol R. Smith, Ed.D.
  • Mike Tolon
  • Khaliyah Williams-Rodríguez
  • Business Committee for the Arts:
  • Parker Lee, co-chair
  • Max Miller Jr., co-chair
  • Peter Bilotta
  • Katharine Coakley
  • Eileen Day
  • Yassi Irajpanah
  • Karen Kervin
  • Paul Kinley
  • Randy Lund
  • Denise Mullen
  • Jason Scott
  • Equity Committee:
  • Phillip Hillaire, chair
  • Joe Krumm
  • Anita Menon
  • Shyla Spicer
  • Anita Yap
  • Finance & Audit Committee:
  • Eileen Day, board treasurer
  • Raymond Cheung
  • Steve Rosenbaum
  • Governing Committee for The Right Brain Initiative:
  • Max Miller Jr., co-chair
  • Carol R. Smith, Ed. D., co-chair
  • Kristin Asai
  • Verlea Briggs
  • Chris Celauro
  • Tom Hughes
  • Marvin Kaiser
  • Joy Leising
  • Bruce Livingston
  • Sarah Prevost
  • Julie Rierson
  • Jan Robertson
  • Jim Schlachter
  • Judy Shiprack
  • Dayle Spitzer
  • Grants Review Committee:
  • Susheela Jayapal, chair
  • Nik Blosser
  • Osvaldo ‘Ozzie’ Gonzalez
  • Angela Hult
  • Shyla Spicer
  • Jesse Beason
  • Leadership Cabinet for Work for Art:
  • Kregg Arntson, PGE Foundation
  • David Anderson, NW Natural
  • Angela Dowling, Cambia Health Solutions
  • Nick Fish, City of Portland
  • Mike Golub, Portland Timbers
  • Jeff Harvey, Burgerville
  • Tom Hughes, Metro
  • Deborah Kafoury, Multnomah County
  • Gregg Kantor, NW Natural
  • Carole Morse, Oregon Cultural Trust
  • Greg Ness, The Standard
  • Bob Packard, ZGF Architects
  • Jim Piro, Portland General Electric
  • Jan Robertson, Norris Beggs & Simpson Companies
  • Julie Vigeland, Oregon Arts Commission
  • Leadership Development Committee:
  • Linda McGeady, chair
  • Mike Golub
  • Phillip Hillaire
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Jan Robertson
  • Public Art Advisory Committee:
  • Nan Curtis
  • John Forsgren
  • Phillip Hillaire
  • Matthew Juniper
  • Karen Karbo
  • Linda McGeady
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Wendy Red Star
  • Linda Tesner
  • Dorie Vollum
  • David Wark

Resource Council

  • Alan Alexander III
  • Pam Baker
  • Jesse Beason
  • Ernie Bloch II
  • Claudia Burnett
  • Jennifer Cies
  • Jay Clemens
  • Eric Friedenwald-Fishman
  • George Forbes
  • Gwyneth Gamble Booth
  • Lina Garcia Seabold
  • Kira Higgs
  • Eric Hormel
  • Karen Karbo
  • Mike Lindberg
  • Gary Maffei
  • Mary Maletis
  • Julie Mancini
  • Josie Mendoza
  • Cate Millar
  • Randy J. Miller
  • Max Miller, Jr.
  • Carole Morse
  • Bonita Oswald
  • Dorothy Piacentini
  • Bettsy Preble
  • Mary Ruble
  • Joan E. Sappington
  • Carol Smith, Ed.D.
  • Craig Thompson
  • Julie Vigeland
  • Clark Worth

Our government liaisons

  • Portland City Commissioner Nick Fish
  • Jamie Dunphy, Commissioner Fish’s Office
  • Clackamas County Commissioner Martha Shrader
  • Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury
  • Multnomah County Commissioner Judy Shiprack
  • Washington County Commissioner Dick Schouten
  • Metro President Tom Hughes

Grant panelists

  • Ingrid Arnett
  • Akela Auer
  • Yvonne P Behrens
  • Pollyanne Birge
  • Surya Buchwald
  • Tamara Carroll
  • Alejandro Ceballos
  • Jedidiah Chavez
  • Muffie Connelly
  • Michael Cooper
  • Roz Crews
  • Adriene Cruz
  • Larry Cwik
  • James Dixon
  • Nick Fenster
  • Gene Flores
  • Jessy Friedt
  • Lisa Fujita
  • Michelle Gallagher
  • Daniel Glendening
  • Luke Gutgsell
  • Dave Hanagan
  • Lyndsay Hogland
  • Dorinda Holler
  • Ramiza Koya
  • Layna Lewis
  • Brian Lord
  • Arturo Martinini
  • Kayla Mattes
  • Anne Mavor
  • John Mery
  • Jen Mitas
  • Kanani Miyamoto
  • Adam Moser
  • Robert Munoz
  • Samuel Naiman
  • Che O’Grady
  • Brian Padian
  • Sarah Panetta
  • Jennifer Pepin
  • Tracy Pitts
  • Alicia J Rose
  • Gretchen Schackel
  • Aili Schreiner
  • Zach Schultz
  • Carlee Smith
  • Darlene Solomon
  • Jennifer Springsteen
  • Jenny Stadler
  • Jill Storthz
  • Hope Svenson
  • Jackie Weissman
  • Jennifer Wright
  • Katie Yancey

Public art panelists

  • Visual Chronicle of Portland:
  • Alex Chiu
  • Gabe Flores
  • Grant Hottle
  • Tammy Jo Wilson
  • Natural Grocers Panel:
  • Alem Grebehiwot
  • Elijah Hasan
  • Susan Kuhn
  • Diana Moosman
  • Hilary Pfeifer
  • Rick Tiland
  • John Washington
  • Oregon Art in Public Places Roster:
  • Becca Cavell
  • Tami Lasseter Cavell
  • John Forsgren
  • Matthew Juniper
  • Linda McGeady
  • Fred Tepfer
  • Daniel Winter
  • Parks Bond Panel:
  • Wendy Given
  • Arlene Kimura
  • Christopher Masciocchi
  • Azad Sadjadi
  • 136th Avenue Retaining Wall Murals:
  • Olivia Dennis
  • Adam Friedman
  • Angelina Marino
  • Richard Maughan
  • Pam Rivers
  • Nancy Turner
  • Night Lights Panel:
  • Yaelle Amir
  • Maya Munoz-Tubon
  • Ben Popp
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Carlee Smith
  • Killingsworth Streetscape:
  • Isa Dean
  • Jacqueline Ehlis
  • Curtis Fairman
  • Anne Greenwood
  • Amy Hargrave-Ellis
  • Chad Jacobsen
  • Sue Lewis
  • Rebecca Ocken
  • Winston Sandino
  • Clifford Walker
  • Public Art Collection Volunteers:
  • Hana Gustafson
  • Maya Luque
  • Samuel Wildman
  • Public Art Murals Committee:
  • Liz Fouther-Branch
  • Mehran “Eat cho” Heard
  • Gideon Hughes
  • Kendra Larson
  • Jason Powers
  • Wendy Red Star
  • Tomas Alfredo Valladares

Right Brain volunteers

  • Kristin Asai
  • Jeremy Asay
  • Christian Barrios
  • Claire Bassett
  • Denise Bekkedahl
  • Ewan Brawley
  • Kristen Brayson
  • Kimberly Brecko
  • Verlea Briggs
  • Cheryl Bristah
  • Cecily Caceu
  • Chris Celauro
  • Paul Colvin
  • Alissa Nicole Creamer
  • Robb Cummings
  • Katherine Drew
  • Julie Evans
  • Paul Fardig
  • Morgan Funes
  • Debra Glaze
  • Eva Goldfarb
  • Kasandra Gruener
  • Dewayne Hankins
  • Chloe Hight
  • Carter Hubbard
  • Tom Hughes
  • Frank Hunt
  • Sarah Hwang
  • Debbie Johnson
  • Marvin Kaiser
  • Ashley Klump
  • David Kozowski
  • Scott Kueny
  • Joy Leising
  • Bruce Livingston
  • Lori Luna
  • Sarah Moody
  • Derek Moore
  • Sarah Prevost
  • Molly Radon-Kimball
  • Jan Robertson
  • Jim Schlachter
  • Chad Seegmiller
  • Alisha Sheetz
  • Judy Shiprack
  • Aaron Nigel Smith
  • Lara Smith
  • Dayle Spitzer
  • Katie Steinberg
  • Joel Stuart
  • Arcema Tovar
  • Contessa Trujillo
  • Leah Verwey
  • Jasmine Westmoreland
  • Kaileigh Westermann
  • Ahmed Yusuf

Work for Art volunteers

  • Katina Andoniadis
  • Meagan Cooney
  • Maya Luque
  • Jack MacNichol
  • Kevin McClurg
  • Maura McGonagle
  • André Middleton
  • Ned Mossman
  • Courtney Redfield
  • Kristina Rideout
  • William Rihel
  • Korey Schultz
  • Josephine Singh
  • Candis Stacy
  • Ranfis Villatoro


Our work would not be possible without the extraordinary contributions of cash and in-kind goods and services that we receive from individuals, businesses, foundations and government agencies. We are incredibly grateful for your support!

Right Brain Donor List

Work for Art Donor List

Unrestricted cash donations to RACC

  • Amazon Smile
  • Nik Blosser
  • Briggs Family
  • Katy A. Brooks
  • Convergence Northwest, Inc.
  • Michael and Eileen Day
  • Lew Frederick
  • Geffen Mesher and Company, P.C.
  • Debbie Glaze
  • Mike Golub
  • Ozzie Gonzalez
  • Cheryl Hazel
  • Phillip Hillaire
  • Eric Hormel
  • Angela Hult
  • Susheela Jayapal
  • Kroger
  • Joe Krumm
  • Parker & Kate Lee
  • Nnenna Lewis
  • David R. Lofland, Jr.
  • Linda McGeady, McGeady Family Foundation
  • Brenda L. Meltebeke
  • Anita Menon
  • Mitch Nieman
  • Nike
  • Debra Olsen
  • Joanna Priestley
  • Jan Robertson
  • Steve Rosenbaum
  • Shyla M. Spicer
  • Anita Yap

In-kind donations to RACC

  • 3rd Street Pizza
  • 4 Imprint
  • A to Z Media
  • A to Z Wine Works
  • Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe
  • Base Camp Brewing
  • Brown Printing
  • Buster’s Buttons & More
  • Cascadia Art Conservation
  • Centaur Guitar
  • Chinook Winds
  • Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
  • Erica Ann Photography
  • Framing Resource
  • Gary Funes
  • Gary McGee & Co. LLP
  • GISI Marketing
  • Sally L. Godard & Ron Olisar
  • Chad Hadsell
  • House Spirits Distillery
  • Jazzi Photography
  • Barbara Kite
  • Laurelwood Brewing Co.
  • Ian Lindsay
  • Maryhill Winery
  • Ivan McLean
  • McMenamins Kennedy School
  • Miller Paint
  • Moon Vine Music
  • New Deal Distillery
  • New Horizons
  • Next Adventure
  • North Country Productions
  • Off Leash K9 Training
  • Oregon Screen Impressions
  • Oregon Shakespeare Festival
  • Pamplin Media Group
  • Pearl Frame Central
  • PDX Pedicab
  • Perkins Accounting
  • PGE Foundation
  • Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA)
  • Picture Sentence
  • Plastic Printers
  • Pop Art
  • Portland Aerial Tram
  • Portland Art Museum
  • Portland Center Stage
  • Portland Music Company
  • Portland Opera
  • Portland Timbers
  • PosterGarden
  • Pushdot Studio
  • Steve Rosenbaum
  • Sellwood Yoga
  • Serendipity Ice Cream
  • Sky High Sports
  • Sniff Dog Hotel
  • Staccato Gelato
  • Jeffrey Thomas
  • Tina’s Restaurant
  • Vibrant Table
  • Wild Roots Vodka
  • Zebra Delivery

We’re not in it alone! RACC collaborates with dozens of other community organizations and national affiliates to enrich our communities through arts and culture. Memberships and Affiliations:

  • Americans for the Arts
  • ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
  • City Club of Portland
  • Clackamas County Arts Alliance
  • Cultural Advocacy Coalition
  • East Portland Chamber of Commerce
  • Grantmakers in the Arts
  • Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington
  • Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • Nonprofit Association of Oregon
  • Oregon Arts Commission
  • Oregon Cultural Trust
  • Oregon Native American Chamber
  • Partners in Diversity
  • Portland Business Alliance
  • Portland Human Resources Management Association
  • Society for Human Resource Management
  • Travel Portland
  • Westside Cultural Alliance
  • Willamette Valley Development Officers

And last but not least… We also wish to thank:

  • AKT – Elizabeth Clarke and Scott Daniels
  • Chris Alberts
  • Artichoke Music
  • Howie Bierbaum
  • Christopher Brown
  • Paula Burton
  • buyolympia.com
  • BCI Group
  • Chris Bigalke
  • Rebecca Burrell
  • Bobby Caputo
  • Marco Circosta
  • City Center Parking
  • Merideth Kaye Clark
  • Cary Clarke
  • Terry Clelen
  • Convergence Networks
  • Steve Cox
Sally Custer
  • Davis Wright Tremaine LLP – Anne Barragar, Gregory Chaimov and Sheila Fox Morrison
  • Rachel DeRosia
  • Cory Dolich
  • Diana Ficke
  • Mary Gerber, Creative Financial Staffing
  • Gloria Guinn
  • Jamey Hampton
  • Health Alliance for Austin Musicians
  • Sarah Holliday
  • Kavita Jhaveri
  • KINK FM 101.9
  • JosephineCreations
  • Molly Kelley, Xenium HR
  • Morgan Lunz
  • Josh Matthews, Robert Half Technology
  • Gary McGee and Yee Lee McGee
  • Sean McGrath
  • Veronica Medici
  • Meriwether’s Restaurant
  • MetroEast Community Media
  • André Middleton
  • Music Millennium
  • Northwest Investment Counselors, LLC
  • Kyle Oman, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom
  • Portland General Electric
  • Steve Pringle
  • Resolutions Northwest – Theresa Logan and Carlos Windham
  • Rhythm Traders
  • Rindy Ross 
  • SEIA, LLC – Andrew W. Rome and David Johnson
  • Samantha Swaim
  • Trade Up Music
  • “Timber” Joey Webber
  • Joe Vithayathil
  • Jeff Weiss, I-T Results
  • Chris Wilson
  • Bekki Witt
  • WSC Insurance
  • ZGF Architects 
  • Erin Zollenkopf, Susan Matlack Jones & Associates, LLC



Regional Arts & Culture Council

411 NW Park Avenue, Suite 101
Portland, Oregon 97209



Guidelines and applications










Grants, jobs, calls to artists, residencies, workshops, studio space & more


Thank you for supporting the ongoing work of the Regional Arts & Culture Council. RACC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax ID 93-1059037.

Donate now